Commit 2d94dfc4 authored by Aswath Govindraju's avatar Aswath Govindraju Committed by Vignesh Raghavendra

arm64: dts: ti: k3-am625-sk: Add support for USB

AM62 SoC has two instances of USB and they are brought on to the board
in the following way,

-> USB0 instance
 - This is brought out to a USB TypeC connector on board through TPS6598 PD
   controller. The PD controller should decide the role based on CC pin in
   the connector. Unfortunately the irq line for the TPS isn't hooked up
   which is a mode not yet support by the driver (some patches were
   submitted earlier this year[0]). So for now the PD controller is left
   out and peripheral mode chosen.

-> USB1 instance
 - This is brought out to a USB TypeA connector on board.

Therefore, add the required device tree support for the above in the board
dts file.

0: default avatarAswath Govindraju <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarSjoerd Simons <>
Tested-by: default avatarMartyn Welch <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarVignesh Raghavendra <>
parent 2240f96c
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ aliases {
spi0 = &ospi0;
ethernet0 = &cpsw_port1;
ethernet1 = &cpsw_port2;
usb0 = &usb0;
usb1 = &usb1;
chosen {
......@@ -284,6 +286,12 @@ main_gpio1_ioexp_intr_pins_default: main-gpio1-ioexp-intr-pins-default {
AM62X_IOPAD(0x01d4, PIN_INPUT, 7) /* (B15) UART0_RTSn.GPIO1_23 */
main_usb1_pins_default: main-usb1-pins-default {
pinctrl-single,pins = <
AM62X_IOPAD(0x0258, PIN_OUTPUT, 0) /* (F18) USB1_DRVVBUS */
&wkup_uart0 {
......@@ -464,3 +472,22 @@ partition@3fc0000 {
&usbss0 {
status = "okay";
&usbss1 {
status = "okay";
&usb0 {
dr_mode = "peripheral";
&usb1 {
dr_mode = "host";
pinctrl-names = "default";
pinctrl-0 = <&main_usb1_pins_default>;
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