Commit 429d939c authored by Yangbo Lu's avatar Yangbo Lu Committed by Ulf Hansson

mmc: sdhci-of-esdhc: fix transfer mode register reading

The standard SD controller uses two 16-bit registers for
command sending.
0xC: Transfer Mode Register
0xE: Command Register

But the eSDHC controller uses one 32-bit register instead.

For Transfer Mode Register and Command Register writing,
the eSDHC driver will store Transfer Mode Register value in
a variable first. When Command Register writing happens,
driver will directly write a 32-bit value into XFERTYPE

But for Transfer Mode Register reading, driver just returns
a actual value. This may cause issue for some read-modify-write
operations. We should make both reading and write on that variable
for Transfer Mode Register.
Signed-off-by: default avatarYangbo Lu <>
Link: default avatarUlf Hansson <>
parent 2fefc7c5
......@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@ static u16 esdhc_readw_fixup(struct sdhci_host *host,
u16 ret;
int shift = (spec_reg & 0x2) * 8;
if (spec_reg == SDHCI_TRANSFER_MODE)
return pltfm_host->xfer_mode_shadow;
if (spec_reg == SDHCI_HOST_VERSION)
ret = value & 0xffff;
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