Commit 51508a2d authored by Kai Germaschewski's avatar Kai Germaschewski

kbuild: Handle the "no modules" case

When the user selects CONFIG_MODVERSIONS but doesn't build anything
modular, the post-processing step does nothing (right, as there is
nothing to be done), but it also gave an error, which it shouldn't.
parent e9b2908a
......@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ include scripts/Makefile.lib
__modules := $(shell cd $(MODVERDIR); cat *.mod)
__modules := $(shell cat /dev/null $(wildcard $(MODVERDIR)/*.mod))
modules := $(patsubst %.o,%.ko,$(wildcard $(__modules:.ko=.o)))
ifneq ($(filter-out $(modules),$(__modules)),)
$(warning *** Uh-oh, you have stale module entries. You messed with SUBDIRS, don't complain if something goes wrong.)
$(warning *** Uh-oh, you have stale module entries. You messed with SUBDIRS,)
$(warning do not complain if something goes wrong.)
__modversions: $(modules)
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