iio: accel: bma400: Ensure VDDIO is enable defore reading the chip ID.
The regulator enables were after the check on the chip variant, which was very unlikely to return a correct value when not powered. Presumably all the device anyone is testing on have a regulator that is already powered up when this code runs for reasons beyond the scope of this driver. Move the read call down a few lines. Fixes: 3cf7ded1 ("iio: accel: bma400: basic regulator support") Signed-off-by: Jonathan Cameron <Jonathan.Cameron@huawei.com> Reviewed-by: Dan Robertson <dan@dlrobertson.com> Cc: <Stable@vger.kernel.org> Link: https://lore.kernel.org/r/20221002144133.3771029-1-jic23@kernel.org
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