Commit 7664ec86 authored by Justin P. Mattock's avatar Justin P. Mattock Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: "vt6655" Typo change *Caculate to *Calculate.

Signed-off-by: default avatarJustin P. Mattock <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 623b2b39
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
* Revision History:
* 06-10-2003 Bryan YC Fan: Re-write codes to support VT3253 spec.
* 08-07-2003 Bryan YC Fan: Add MAXIM2827/2825 and RFMD2959 support.
* 08-26-2003 Kyle Hsu : Modify BBuGetFrameTime() and BBvCaculateParameter().
* 08-26-2003 Kyle Hsu : Modify BBuGetFrameTime() and BBvCalculateParameter().
* cancel the setting of MAC_REG_SOFTPWRCTL on BBbVT3253Init().
* Add the comments.
* 09-01-2003 Bryan YC Fan: RF & BB tables updated.
......@@ -1826,7 +1826,7 @@ BBuGetFrameTime (
* Description: Caculate Length, Service, and Signal fields of Phy for Tx
* Description: Calculate Length, Service, and Signal fields of Phy for Tx
* Parameters:
* In:
......@@ -1842,7 +1842,7 @@ BBuGetFrameTime (
BBvCaculateParameter (
BBvCalculateParameter (
PSDevice pDevice,
unsigned int cbFrameLength,
unsigned short wRate,
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ BBuGetFrameTime(
BBvCaculateParameter (
BBvCalculateParameter (
PSDevice pDevice,
unsigned int cbFrameLength,
unsigned short wRate,
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
* Functions:
* s_vGenerateTxParameter - Generate tx dma required parameter.
* vGenerateMACHeader - Translate 802.3 to 802.11 header
* cbGetFragCount - Caculate fragment number count
* cbGetFragCount - Calculate fragment number count
* csBeacon_xmit - beacon tx function
* csMgmt_xmit - management tx function
* s_cbFillTxBufHead - fulfill tx dma buffer header
......@@ -733,11 +733,11 @@ s_uFillDataHead (
if (byFBOption == AUTO_FB_NONE) {
PSTxDataHead_g pBuf = (PSTxDataHead_g)pTxDataHead;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_a), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_a)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_a = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_b = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -759,11 +759,11 @@ s_uFillDataHead (
// Auto Fallback
PSTxDataHead_g_FB pBuf = (PSTxDataHead_g_FB)pTxDataHead;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_a), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_a)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_a = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_b = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ s_uFillDataHead (
// Auto Fallback
PSTxDataHead_a_FB pBuf = (PSTxDataHead_a_FB)pTxDataHead;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ s_uFillDataHead (
} else {
PSTxDataHead_ab pBuf = (PSTxDataHead_ab)pTxDataHead;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -823,7 +823,7 @@ s_uFillDataHead (
else {
PSTxDataHead_ab pBuf = (PSTxDataHead_ab)pTxDataHead;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameLength, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -871,11 +871,11 @@ s_vFillRTSHead (
if (byFBOption == AUTO_FB_NONE) {
PSRTS_g pBuf = (PSRTS_g)pvRTS;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_b = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_a), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_a)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_a = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -904,11 +904,11 @@ s_vFillRTSHead (
else {
PSRTS_g_FB pBuf = (PSRTS_g_FB)pvRTS;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_b = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_a), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_a)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_a = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ s_vFillRTSHead (
if (byFBOption == AUTO_FB_NONE) {
PSRTS_ab pBuf = (PSRTS_ab)pvRTS;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -975,7 +975,7 @@ s_vFillRTSHead (
else {
PSRTS_a_FB pBuf = (PSRTS_a_FB)pvRTS;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopOFDMBasicRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ s_vFillRTSHead (
else if (byPktType == PK_TYPE_11B) {
PSRTS_ab pBuf = (PSRTS_ab)pvRTS;
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uRTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField)
pBuf->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@ s_vFillCTSHead (
// Auto Fall back
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uCTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uCTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
......@@ -1092,7 +1092,7 @@ s_vFillCTSHead (
} else { //if (byFBOption != AUTO_FB_NONE && uDMAIdx != TYPE_ATIMDMA && uDMAIdx != TYPE_BEACONDMA)
//Get SignalField,ServiceField,Length
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, uCTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, uCTSFrameLen, pDevice->byTopCCKBasicRate, PK_TYPE_11B,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->byServiceField_b), (unsigned char *)&(pBuf->bySignalField_b)
pBuf->wTransmitLength_b = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -2664,7 +2664,7 @@ CMD_STATUS csBeacon_xmit(PSDevice pDevice, PSTxMgmtPacket pPacket) {
wCurrentRate, false, 0, 0, 1, AUTO_FB_NONE));
BBvCaculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameSize, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
BBvCalculateParameter(pDevice, cbFrameSize, wCurrentRate, byPktType,
(unsigned short *)&(wLen), (unsigned char *)&(pTxDataHead->byServiceField), (unsigned char *)&(pTxDataHead->bySignalField)
pTxDataHead->wTransmitLength = cpu_to_le16(wLen);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
* Date: May 21, 1996
* Functions:
* ETHbyGetHashIndexByCrc32 - Caculate multicast hash value by CRC32
* ETHbyGetHashIndexByCrc32 - Calculate multicast hash value by CRC32
* ETHbIsBufferCrc32Ok - Check CRC value of the buffer if Ok or not
* Revision History:
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
* Description: Caculate multicast hash value by CRC32
* Description: Calculate multicast hash value by CRC32
* Parameters:
* In:
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ unsigned int rotr1(unsigned int a)
* Description: Caculate RC4Key fom TK, TA, and TSC
* Description: Calculate RC4Key fom TK, TA, and TSC
* Parameters:
* In:
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