Commit 78c1b267 authored by Rahul Rameshbabu's avatar Rahul Rameshbabu Committed by Saeed Mahameed

net/mlx5: Convert scaled ppm values outside the s32 range for PHC frequency adjustments

Represent scaled ppm as ppb to the device when the value in scaled ppm is
not representable as a 32-bit signed integer. mlx5 devices only support a
32-bit field for the frequency adjustment value in units of either scaled
ppm or ppb.

Since mlx5 devices only support a 32-bit field for the frequency adjustment
value independent of unit used, limit the maximum frequency adjustment to
S32_MAX ppb.
Signed-off-by: default avatarRahul Rameshbabu <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarTariq Toukan <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarSaeed Mahameed <>
parent 4395d9de
......@@ -393,10 +393,12 @@ static int mlx5_ptp_freq_adj_real_time(struct mlx5_core_dev *mdev, long scaled_p
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, operation, MLX5_MTUTC_OPERATION_ADJUST_FREQ_UTC);
if (MLX5_CAP_MCAM_FEATURE(mdev, mtutc_freq_adj_units)) {
if (MLX5_CAP_MCAM_FEATURE(mdev, mtutc_freq_adj_units) &&
scaled_ppm <= S32_MAX && scaled_ppm >= S32_MIN) {
/* HW scaled_ppm support on mlx5 devices only supports a 32-bit value */
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, freq_adj_units,
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, freq_adjustment, scaled_ppm);
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, freq_adjustment, (s32)scaled_ppm);
} else {
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, freq_adj_units, MLX5_MTUTC_FREQ_ADJ_UNITS_PPB);
MLX5_SET(mtutc_reg, in, freq_adjustment, scaled_ppm_to_ppb(scaled_ppm));
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