Commit 868b5d7d authored by Maya Nakamura's avatar Maya Nakamura Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: rtlwifi: Improve line endings

Edit statements so that the line does not end with an assignment operator
or a parenthesis.
Signed-off-by: default avatarMaya Nakamura <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 98b3b71a
......@@ -551,9 +551,9 @@ void phydm_lamode_trigger_setting(void *dm_void, char input[][16], u32 *_used,
/*dbg_print("echo cmd input_num = %d\n", input_num);*/
if ((strcmp(input[1], help) == 0)) {
output + used, out_len - used,
"{En} {0:BB,1:BB_MAC,2:RF0,3:RF1,4:MAC}\n {BB:dbg_port[bit],BB_MAC:0-ok/1-fail/2-cca,MAC:ref} {DMA type} {TrigTime}\n {polling_time/ref_mask} {dbg_port} {0:P_Edge, 1:N_Edge} {SpRate:0-80M,1-40M,2-20M} {Capture num}\n");
PHYDM_SNPRINTF(output + used,
out_len - used,
"{En} {0:BB,1:BB_MAC,2:RF0,3:RF1,4:MAC}\n {BB:dbg_port[bit],BB_MAC:0-ok/1-fail/2-cca,MAC:ref} {DMA type} {TrigTime}\n {polling_time/ref_mask} {dbg_port} {0:P_Edge, 1:N_Edge} {SpRate:0-80M,1-40M,2-20M} {Capture num}\n");
} else if (is_enable_la_mode) {
PHYDM_SSCANF(input[2], DCMD_DECIMAL, &var1[1]);
......@@ -331,8 +331,9 @@ bool phydm_check_nhm_ready(void *dm_void)
bool ret = false;
if (dm->support_ic_type & ODM_IC_11AC_SERIES) {
value32 =
odm_get_bb_reg(dm, ODM_REG_CLM_RESULT_11AC, MASKDWORD);
value32 = odm_get_bb_reg(dm,
for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
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