will be down from Thursday, 20 March 2025, 07:30:00 UTC for a duration of approximately 2 hours

Commit a0a7ae15 authored by H Hartley Sweeten's avatar H Hartley Sweeten Committed by Greg Kroah-Hartman

staging: comedi: addi_common.h: remove file

This header is no longer included by any of the addi-data drivers.
Remove it.
Signed-off-by: default avatarH Hartley Sweeten <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarIan Abbott <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarGreg Kroah-Hartman <>
parent 4e068bec
* Copyright (C) 2004,2005 ADDI-DATA GmbH for the source code of this module.
* Dieselstrasse 3
* D-77833 Ottersweier
* Tel: +19(0)7223/9493-0
* Fax: +49(0)7223/9493-92
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/interrupt.h>
struct addi_private {
int iobase;
int i_IobaseAmcc; /* base+size for AMCC chip */
int i_IobaseAddon; /* addon base address */
int i_IobaseReserved;
unsigned int ui_AiActualScan; /* how many scans we finished */
unsigned int ui_AiNbrofChannels; /* how many channels is measured */
unsigned int ui_AiChannelList[32]; /* actual chanlist */
unsigned int ui_AiReadData[32];
unsigned short us_UseDma; /* To use Dma or not */
unsigned char b_DmaDoubleBuffer; /* we can use double buffering */
unsigned int ui_DmaActualBuffer; /* which buffer is used now */
unsigned short *ul_DmaBufferVirtual[2]; /* pointers to DMA buffer */
dma_addr_t ul_DmaBufferHw[2]; /* hw address of DMA buff */
unsigned int ui_DmaBufferSize[2]; /* size of dma buffer in bytes */
unsigned int ui_DmaBufferUsesize[2]; /* which size we may now used for transfer */
unsigned char b_DigitalOutputRegister; /* Digital Output Register */
unsigned char b_OutputMemoryStatus;
unsigned char b_TimerSelectMode; /* Contain data written at iobase + 0C */
unsigned char b_ModeSelectRegister; /* Contain data written at iobase + 0E */
unsigned short us_OutputRegister; /* Contain data written at iobase + 0 */
unsigned char b_Timer2Mode; /* Specify the timer 2 mode */
unsigned char b_Timer2Interrupt; /* Timer2 interrupt enable or disable */
unsigned int ai_running:1;
unsigned char b_InterruptMode; /* eoc eos or dma */
unsigned char b_EocEosInterrupt; /* Enable disable eoc eos interrupt */
unsigned int ui_EocEosConversionTime;
unsigned char b_ExttrigEnable; /* To enable or disable external trigger */
/* Pointer to the current process */
struct task_struct *tsk_Current;
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