Commit cd358012 authored by Adrian Hunter's avatar Adrian Hunter Committed by Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo

perf scripts python: Add top calls report

Add a new report to display top calls by elapsed time. It displays calls
in descending order of time elapsed between when the function was called
and when it returned.
Signed-off-by: default avatarAdrian Hunter <>
Cc: Jiri Olsa <>
Signed-off-by: default avatarArnaldo Carvalho de Melo <>
parent fc2c77aa
......@@ -1402,12 +1402,13 @@ class BranchModel(TreeModel):
class ReportVars():
def __init__(self, name = "", where_clause = ""):
def __init__(self, name = "", where_clause = "", limit = ""): = name
self.where_clause = where_clause
self.limit = limit
def UniqueId(self):
return str(self.where_clause)
return str(self.where_clause + ";" + self.limit)
# Branch window
......@@ -1485,16 +1486,16 @@ class BranchWindow(QMdiSubWindow):
class LineEditDataItem(object):
def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = ""):
def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = "", default = ""):
self.glb = glb
self.label = label
self.placeholder_text = placeholder_text
self.parent = parent = id
self.value = ""
self.value = default
self.widget = QLineEdit()
self.widget = QLineEdit(default)
self.widget.textChanged.connect(self.Invalidate) = False
......@@ -1582,6 +1583,21 @@ class NonNegativeIntegerRangesDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
ranges.append(self.column_name + " IN (" + ",".join(singles) + ")")
self.value = " OR ".join(ranges)
# Positive integer dialog data item
class PositiveIntegerDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
def __init__(self, glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id = "", default = ""):
super(PositiveIntegerDataItem, self).__init__(glb, label, placeholder_text, parent, id, default)
def DoValidate(self, input_string):
if not self.IsNumber(input_string.strip()):
return self.InvalidValue(input_string)
value = int(input_string.strip())
if value <= 0:
return self.InvalidValue(input_string)
self.value = str(value)
# Dialog data item converted and validated using a SQL table
class SQLTableDataItem(LineEditDataItem):
......@@ -1799,7 +1815,9 @@ class ReportDialogBase(QDialog):
if not d.IsValid():
for d in self.data_items[1:]:
if len(d.value):
if == "LIMIT":
vars.limit = d.value
elif len(d.value):
if len(vars.where_clause):
vars.where_clause += " AND "
vars.where_clause += d.value
......@@ -2059,6 +2077,103 @@ def GetTableList(glb):
return tables
# Top Calls data model
class TopCallsModel(SQLTableModel):
def __init__(self, glb, report_vars, parent=None):
text = ""
if not glb.dbref.is_sqlite3:
text = "::text"
limit = ""
if len(report_vars.limit):
limit = " LIMIT " + report_vars.limit
sql = ("SELECT comm, pid, tid, name,"
" WHEN (short_name = '[kernel.kallsyms]') THEN '[kernel]'" + text +
" ELSE short_name"
" END AS dso,"
" call_time, return_time, (return_time - call_time) AS elapsed_time, branch_count, "
" WHEN (calls.flags = 1) THEN 'no call'" + text +
" WHEN (calls.flags = 2) THEN 'no return'" + text +
" WHEN (calls.flags = 3) THEN 'no call/return'" + text +
" ELSE ''" + text +
" END AS flags"
" FROM calls"
" INNER JOIN call_paths ON calls.call_path_id ="
" INNER JOIN symbols ON call_paths.symbol_id ="
" INNER JOIN dsos ON symbols.dso_id ="
" INNER JOIN comms ON calls.comm_id ="
" INNER JOIN threads ON calls.thread_id =" +
report_vars.where_clause +
" ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC" +
column_headers = ("Command", "PID", "TID", "Symbol", "Object", "Call Time", "Return Time", "Elapsed Time (ns)", "Branch Count", "Flags")
self.alignment = (Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignLeft)
super(TopCallsModel, self).__init__(glb, sql, column_headers, parent)
def columnAlignment(self, column):
return self.alignment[column]
# Top Calls report creation dialog
class TopCallsDialog(ReportDialogBase):
def __init__(self, glb, parent=None):
title = "Top Calls by Elapsed Time"
items = (lambda g, p: LineEditDataItem(g, "Report name:", "Enter a name to appear in the window title bar", p, "REPORTNAME"),
lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "Commands:", "Only calls with these commands will be included", "comms", "comm", "comm_id", "", p),
lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "PIDs:", "Only calls with these process IDs will be included", "threads", "pid", "thread_id", "", p),
lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "TIDs:", "Only calls with these thread IDs will be included", "threads", "tid", "thread_id", "", p),
lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "DSOs:", "Only calls with these DSOs will be included", "dsos", "short_name", "dso_id", "", p),
lambda g, p: SQLTableDataItem(g, "Symbols:", "Only calls with these symbols will be included", "symbols", "name", "symbol_id", "", p),
lambda g, p: LineEditDataItem(g, "Raw SQL clause: ", "Enter a raw SQL WHERE clause", p),
lambda g, p: PositiveIntegerDataItem(g, "Record limit:", "Limit selection to this number of records", p, "LIMIT", "100"))
super(TopCallsDialog, self).__init__(glb, title, items, False, parent)
# Top Calls window
class TopCallsWindow(QMdiSubWindow, ResizeColumnsToContentsBase):
def __init__(self, glb, report_vars, parent=None):
super(TopCallsWindow, self).__init__(parent)
self.data_model = LookupCreateModel("Top Calls " + report_vars.UniqueId(), lambda: TopCallsModel(glb, report_vars))
self.model = self.data_model
self.view = QTableView()
self.find_bar = FindBar(self, self, True)
self.finder = ChildDataItemFinder(self.model)
self.fetch_bar = FetchMoreRecordsBar(self.data_model, self)
self.vbox = VBox(self.view, self.find_bar.Widget(), self.fetch_bar.Widget())
AddSubWindow(glb.mainwindow.mdi_area, self,
def Find(self, value, direction, pattern, context):
self.finder.Find(value, direction, pattern, context, self.FindDone)
def FindDone(self, row):
if row >= 0:
self.view.setCurrentIndex(self.model.index(row, 0, QModelIndex()))
# Action Definition
def CreateAction(label, tip, callback, parent=None, shortcut=None):
......@@ -2162,6 +2277,7 @@ p.c2 {
<p class=c2><a href=#callgraph>1.1 Context-Sensitive Call Graph</a></p>
<p class=c2><a href=#allbranches>1.2 All branches</a></p>
<p class=c2><a href=#selectedbranches>1.3 Selected branches</a></p>
<p class=c2><a href=#topcallsbyelapsedtime>1.4 Top calls by elapsed time</a></p>
<p class=c1><a href=#tables>2. Tables</a></p>
<h1 id=reports>1. Reports</h1>
<h2 id=callgraph>1.1 Context-Sensitive Call Graph</h2>
......@@ -2237,6 +2353,10 @@ ms, us or ns. Also, negative values are relative to the end of trace. Examples:
-10ms- The last 10ms
N.B. Due to the granularity of timestamps, there could be no branches in any given time range.
<h2 id=topcallsbyelapsedtime>1.4 Top calls by elapsed time</h2>
The Top calls by elapsed time report displays calls in descending order of time elapsed between when the function was called and when it returned.
The data is reduced by various selection criteria. A dialog box displays available criteria which are AND'ed together.
If not all data is fetched, a Fetch bar is provided. Ctrl-F displays a Find bar.
<h1 id=tables>2. Tables</h1>
The Tables menu shows all tables and views in the database. Most tables have an associated view
which displays the information in a more friendly way. Not all data for large tables is fetched
......@@ -2371,6 +2491,9 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
self.EventMenu(GetEventList(glb.db), reports_menu)
if IsSelectable(glb.db, "calls"):
reports_menu.addAction(CreateAction("&Top calls by elapsed time", "Create a new window displaying top calls by elapsed time", self.NewTopCalls, self))
self.TableMenu(GetTableList(glb), menu)
self.window_menu = WindowMenu(self.mdi_area, menu)
......@@ -2426,6 +2549,12 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def NewCallGraph(self):
CallGraphWindow(self.glb, self)
def NewTopCalls(self):
dialog = TopCallsDialog(self.glb, self)
ret = dialog.exec_()
if ret:
TopCallsWindow(self.glb, dialog.report_vars, self)
def NewBranchView(self, event_id):
BranchWindow(self.glb, event_id, ReportVars(), self)
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