1. 21 Dec, 2021 26 commits
  2. 18 Dec, 2021 9 commits
  3. 17 Dec, 2021 5 commits
    • Brett Creeley's avatar
      iavf: Restrict maximum VLAN filters for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 · 92fc5085
      Brett Creeley authored
      For VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN, PF's would limit the number of VLAN
      filters a VF was allowed to add. However, by the time the opcode failed,
      the VLAN netdev had already been added. VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2
      added the ability for a PF to tell the VF how many VLAN filters it's
      allowed to add. Make changes to support that functionality.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrett Creeley <brett.creeley@intel.com>
      Tested-by: default avatarKonrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>
    • Brett Creeley's avatar
      iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 offload enable/disable · 8afadd1c
      Brett Creeley authored
      The new VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 capability added support that allows
      the VF to support 802.1Q and 802.1ad VLAN insertion and stripping if
      successfully negotiated via VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2_CAPS.
      Multiple changes were needed to support this new functionality.
      1. Added new aq_required flags to support any kind of VLAN stripping and
         insertion offload requests via virtchnl.
      2. Added the new method iavf_set_vlan_offload_features() that's
         used during VF initialization, VF reset, and iavf_set_features() to
         set the aq_required bits based on the current VLAN offload
         configuration of the VF's netdev.
      3. Added virtchnl handling for VIRTCHNL_OP_ENABLE_STRIPPING_V2,
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrett Creeley <brett.creeley@intel.com>
      Tested-by: default avatarKonrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>
    • Brett Creeley's avatar
      iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 hotpath · ccd219d2
      Brett Creeley authored
      The new VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 capability added support that allows
      the PF to set the location of the Tx and Rx VLAN tag for insertion and
      stripping offloads. In order to support this functionality a few changes
      are needed.
      1. Add a new method to cache the VLAN tag location based on negotiated
         capabilities for the Tx and Rx ring flags. This needs to be called in
         the initialization and reset paths.
      2. Refactor the transmit hotpath to account for the new Tx ring flags.
         When IAVF_TXR_FLAGS_VLAN_LOC_L2TAG2 is set, then the driver needs to
         insert the VLAN tag in the L2TAG2 field of the transmit descriptor.
         When the IAVF_TXRX_FLAGS_VLAN_LOC_L2TAG1 is set, then the driver needs
         to use the l2tag1 field of the data descriptor (same behavior as
      3. Refactor the iavf_tx_prepare_vlan_flags() function to simplify
         transmit hardware VLAN offload functionality by only depending on the
         skb_vlan_tag_present() function. This can be done because the OS
         won't request transmit offload for a VLAN unless the driver told the
         OS it's supported and enabled.
      4. Refactor the receive hotpath to account for the new Rx ring flags and
         VLAN ethertypes. This requires checking the Rx ring flags and
         descriptor status bits to determine the location of the VLAN tag.
         Also, since only a single ethertype can be supported at a time, check
         the enabled netdev features before specifying a VLAN ethertype in
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrett Creeley <brett.creeley@intel.com>
      Tested-by: default avatarKonrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>
    • Brett Creeley's avatar
      iavf: Add support VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 during netdev config · 48ccc43e
      Brett Creeley authored
      Based on VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2, the VF can now support more VLAN
      capabilities (i.e. 802.1AD offloads and filtering). In order to
      communicate these capabilities to the netdev layer, the VF needs to
      parse its VLAN capabilities based on whether it was able to negotiation
      In order to support this, add the following functionality:
      iavf_get_netdev_vlan_hw_features() - This is used to determine the VLAN
      features that the underlying hardware supports and that can be toggled
      off/on based on the negotiated capabiltiies. For example, if
      VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 was negotiated, then any capability marked
      with VIRTCHNL_VLAN_TOGGLE can be toggled on/off by the VF. If
      VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN was negotiated, then only VLAN insertion and/or
      stripping can be toggled on/off.
      iavf_get_netdev_vlan_features() - This is used to determine the VLAN
      features that the underlying hardware supports and that should be
      enabled by default. For example, if VIRTHCNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 was
      negotiated, then any supported capability that has its ethertype_init
      filed set should be enabled by default. If VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN was
      negotiated, then filtering, stripping, and insertion should be enabled
      by default.
      Also, refactor iavf_fix_features() to take into account the new
      capabilities. To do this, query all the supported features (enabled by
      default and toggleable) and make sure the requested change is supported.
      If VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 is successfully negotiated, there is no
      need to check VIRTCHNL_VLAN_TOGGLE here because the driver already told
      the netdev layer which features can be toggled via netdev->hw_features
      during iavf_process_config(), so only those features will be requested
      to change.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrett Creeley <brett.creeley@intel.com>
      Tested-by: default avatarKonrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>
    • Brett Creeley's avatar
      iavf: Add support for VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 negotiation · 209f2f9c
      Brett Creeley authored
      In order to support the new VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 capability the
      VF driver needs to rework it's initialization state machine and reset
      flow. This has to be done because successful negotiation of
      VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 requires the VF driver to perform a second
      capability request via VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2_CAPS before
      configuring the adapter and its netdev.
      Add the VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 bit when sending the
      VIRTHCNL_OP_GET_VF_RESOURECES message. The underlying PF will either
      neither. Both of these offloads should never be supported together.
      Based on this, add 2 new states to the initialization state machine:
      The __IAVF_INIT_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2_CAPS state is used to request/store
      the new VLAN capabilities if and only if VIRTCHNL_VLAN_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2
      was successfully negotiated in the __IAVF_INIT_GET_RESOURCES state.
      The __IAVF_INIT_CONFIG_ADAPTER state is used to configure the
      adapter/netdev after the resource requests have finished. The VF will
      move into this state regardless of whether it successfully negotiated
      Also, add a the new flag IAVF_FLAG_AQ_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2_CAPS and set
      it during VF reset. If VIRTCHNL_VF_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2 was successfully
      negotiated then the VF will request its VLAN capabilities via
      VIRTCHNL_OP_GET_OFFLOAD_VLAN_V2_CAPS during the reset. This is needed
      because the PF may change/modify the VF's configuration during VF reset
      (i.e. modifying the VF's port VLAN configuration).
      This also, required the VF to call netdev_update_features() since its
      VLAN features may change during VF reset. Make sure to call this under
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrett Creeley <brett.creeley@intel.com>
      Tested-by: default avatarKonrad Jankowski <konrad0.jankowski@intel.com>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTony Nguyen <anthony.l.nguyen@intel.com>