>[Introduced][ee-3350] in GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.3.
>[Introduced][ee-3350] in GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.3. [Moved to GitLab Community Edition][ce-18715] in 10.8.
>>>>>>> upstream/master
You can choose to only push your protected branches from GitLab to your remote repository.
To use this option go to your project's repository settings page under push mirror.
<<<<<<< HEAD
## Setting up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub
## Setting up a push mirror from GitLab to GitHub
>>>>>>> upstream/master
To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. Create a [GitHub personal access token](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/) with the "public_repo" box checked:

1. Fill in the "Git repository URL" with the personal access token replacing the password `https://GitHubUsername:GitHubPersonalAccessToken@github.com/group/project.git`:
@@ -313,23 +281,17 @@ To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. And either wait or trigger the "Update Now" button: