>[Introduced][ee-3350] in GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.3.
>[Introduced][ee-3350] in GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.3.
>[Introduced][ee-3350] in GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.3. [Moved to GitLab Community Edition][ce-18715] in 10.8.
>>>>>>> upstream/master
You can choose to only push your protected branches from GitLab to your remote repository.
You can choose to only push your protected branches from GitLab to your remote repository.
To use this option go to your project's repository settings page under push mirror.
To use this option go to your project's repository settings page under push mirror.
<<<<<<< HEAD
## Setting up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub
## Setting up a push mirror from GitLab to GitHub
## Setting up a push mirror from GitLab to GitHub
>>>>>>> upstream/master
To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. Create a [GitHub personal access token](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/) with the "public_repo" box checked:
1. Create a [GitHub personal access token](https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line/) with the "public_repo" box checked:

1. Fill in the "Git repository URL" with the personal access token replacing the password `https://GitHubUsername:GitHubPersonalAccessToken@github.com/group/project.git`:
1. Fill in the "Git repository URL" with the personal access token replacing the password `https://GitHubUsername:GitHubPersonalAccessToken@github.com/group/project.git`:
@@ -313,23 +281,17 @@ To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
@@ -313,23 +281,17 @@ To set up a mirror from GitLab to GitHub, you need to follow these steps:
1. And either wait or trigger the "Update Now" button:
1. And either wait or trigger the "Update Now" button: