| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreateproject"></a>`project` | [`ProjectID!`](#projectid) | ID of the project to attach the vulnerability to. |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreateresolvedat"></a>`resolvedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the vulnerability state changed to resolved (defaults to creation time if status is `resolved`). |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreatescannername"></a>`scannerName` | [`String!`](#string) | Name of the security scanner used to discover the vulnerability. |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreatescannertype"></a>`scannerType` | [`SecurityScannerType!`](#securityscannertype) | Type of the security scanner used to discover the vulnerability. |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreateseverity"></a>`severity` | [`VulnerabilitySeverity`](#vulnerabilityseverity) | Severity of the vulnerability (defaults to `unknown`). |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreatesolution"></a>`solution` | [`String`](#string) | How to fix this vulnerability. |
| <aid="mutationvulnerabilitycreatestate"></a>`state` | [`VulnerabilityState`](#vulnerabilitystate) | State of the vulnerability (defaults to `detected`). |