Commit e4191769 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents bd88ae75 c33eac31
......@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ class Iteration < ApplicationRecord
.where('due_date is NULL or due_date >= ?', start_date)
scope :start_date_passed, -> { where('start_date <= ?', Date.current).where('due_date > ?', Date.current) }
scope :due_date_passed, -> { where('due_date <= ?', Date.current) }
scope :start_date_passed, -> { where('start_date <= ?', Date.current).where('due_date >= ?', Date.current) }
scope :due_date_passed, -> { where('due_date < ?', Date.current) }
state_machine :state_enum, initial: :upcoming do
event :start do
......@@ -720,6 +720,24 @@ sudo cp /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/s
sudo cp /opt/gitlab/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem
### 502 error when connecting to GitLab Pages proxy when server does not listen over IPv6
In some cases, NGINX might default to using IPv6 to connect to the GitLab Pages
service even when the server does not listen over IPv6. You can identify when
this is happening if you see something similar to the log entry below in the
2020/02/24 16:32:05 [error] 112654#0: *4982804 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client:, server: ~^(?<group>.*)\.pages\.example\.com$, request: "GET /-/group/project/-/jobs/1234/artifacts/artifact.txt HTTP/1.1", upstream: "http://[::1]:8090//-/group/project/-/jobs/1234/artifacts/artifact.txt", host: ""
To resolve this, set an explicit IP and port for the GitLab Pages `listen_proxy` setting
to define the explicit address that the GitLab Pages daemon should listen on:
gitlab_pages['listen_proxy'] = ''
### 404 error after transferring project to a different group or user
If you encounter a `404 Not Found` error a Pages site after transferring a project to
title: Fix for Iterations closing a day early
merge_request: 40884
type: fixed
......@@ -28,14 +28,17 @@ RSpec.describe IterationsUpdateStatusWorker do
context 'when iterations are in `started` state' do
let_it_be(:iteration) { create(:iteration, :skip_future_date_validation, start_date: 10.days.ago, due_date:, state_enum: ::Iteration::STATE_ENUM_MAP[:started]) }
let_it_be(:iteration1) { create(:iteration, :skip_future_date_validation, start_date: 10.days.ago, due_date: 2.days.ago, state_enum: ::Iteration::STATE_ENUM_MAP[:started]) }
let_it_be(:iteration2) { create(:iteration, :skip_future_date_validation, start_date:, due_date:, state_enum: ::Iteration::STATE_ENUM_MAP[:started]) }
it 'updates from started to closed when due date is past' do
expect(iteration.state).to eq('started')
it 'updates from started to closed when due date is past, does not touch others', :aggregate_failures do
expect(iteration1.state).to eq('started')
expect(iteration2.state).to eq('started')
expect(iteration.reload.state).to eq('closed')
expect(iteration1.reload.state).to eq('closed')
expect(iteration2.reload.state).to eq('started')
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