Commit 45f451c7 authored by Jan Lindström's avatar Jan Lindström

MDEV-11850: Can't create foreign key referencing a virtual column

Both dict_foreign_find_index and dict_foreign_qualify_index
did not consider virtual columns as possible foreign key
columns and there was assertion to disable virtual columns.

Fixed by also looking referencing and referenced column
from virtual columns if needed.
parent c6039a11
create or replace table a (
cola int(10) primary key,
v_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) virtual,
p_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) persistent
) engine=innodb;
create index v_cola on a (v_cola);
create index p_cola on a (p_cola);
create or replace table b(
cola int(10),
v_cola int(10),
p_cola int(10),
c_cola int(10) as (cola + 2) virtual
) engine=innodb;
alter table b add constraint `p_cola_fk`
foreign key (p_cola) references a (p_cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
Level Code Message
show create table b;
Table Create Table
`cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`v_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`p_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`c_cola` int(10) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (`cola` + 2) VIRTUAL,
KEY `p_cola_fk` (`p_cola`),
CONSTRAINT `p_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`p_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`p_cola`)
alter table b add constraint `v_cola_fk`
foreign key (v_cola) references a (v_cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
Level Code Message
show create table b;
Table Create Table
`cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`v_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`p_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`c_cola` int(10) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (`cola` + 2) VIRTUAL,
KEY `p_cola_fk` (`p_cola`),
KEY `v_cola_fk` (`v_cola`),
CONSTRAINT `p_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`p_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`p_cola`),
CONSTRAINT `v_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`v_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`v_cola`)
alter table b add constraint `c_cola_fk`
foreign key (c_cola) references a (cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
Level Code Message
show create table b;
Table Create Table
`cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`v_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`p_cola` int(10) DEFAULT NULL,
`c_cola` int(10) GENERATED ALWAYS AS (`cola` + 2) VIRTUAL,
KEY `p_cola_fk` (`p_cola`),
KEY `v_cola_fk` (`v_cola`),
KEY `c_cola_fk` (`c_cola`),
CONSTRAINT `c_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`c_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`cola`),
CONSTRAINT `p_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`p_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`p_cola`),
CONSTRAINT `v_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`v_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`v_cola`)
insert into a(cola) values (12);
select * from a;
cola v_cola p_cola
12 2 2
insert into b(cola, v_cola, p_cola) values (10,2,2);
select * from b;
cola v_cola p_cola c_cola
10 2 2 12
insert into b(cola, v_cola, p_cola) values (10,1,1);
ERROR 23000: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`test`.`b`, CONSTRAINT `p_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`p_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`p_cola`))
delete from a;
ERROR 23000: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`test`.`b`, CONSTRAINT `c_cola_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`c_cola`) REFERENCES `a` (`cola`))
select * from a;
cola v_cola p_cola
12 2 2
select * from b;
cola v_cola p_cola c_cola
10 2 2 12
drop table b, a;
--source include/
# MDEV-11850: Can't create foreign key referencing a virtual column
create or replace table a (
cola int(10) primary key,
v_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) virtual,
p_cola int(10) as (cola mod 10) persistent
) engine=innodb;
create index v_cola on a (v_cola);
create index p_cola on a (p_cola);
create or replace table b(
cola int(10),
v_cola int(10),
p_cola int(10),
c_cola int(10) as (cola + 2) virtual
) engine=innodb;
alter table b add constraint `p_cola_fk`
foreign key (p_cola) references a (p_cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
show create table b;
alter table b add constraint `v_cola_fk`
foreign key (v_cola) references a (v_cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
show create table b;
alter table b add constraint `c_cola_fk`
foreign key (c_cola) references a (cola)
on delete restrict
on update restrict;
show warnings;
show create table b;
# Test that fk really works
insert into a(cola) values (12);
select * from a;
insert into b(cola, v_cola, p_cola) values (10,2,2);
select * from b;
--error 1452
insert into b(cola, v_cola, p_cola) values (10,1,1);
--error 1451
delete from a;
select * from a;
select * from b;
drop table b, a;
......@@ -3518,7 +3518,6 @@ dict_foreign_find_index(
if (types_idx != index
&& !(index->type & DICT_FTS)
&& !dict_index_is_spatial(index)
&& !dict_index_has_virtual(index)
&& !index->to_be_dropped
&& dict_foreign_qualify_index(
table, col_names, columns, n_cols,
......@@ -4026,6 +4025,23 @@ dict_scan_col(
for (i = 0; i < dict_table_get_n_v_cols(table); i++) {
const char* col_name = dict_table_get_v_col_name(
table, i);
if (0 == innobase_strcasecmp(col_name, *name)) {
/* Found */
dict_v_col_t * vcol;
*success = TRUE;
vcol = dict_table_get_nth_v_col(table, i);
*column = &vcol->m_col;
strcpy((char*) *name, col_name);
......@@ -5010,9 +5026,7 @@ dict_create_foreign_constraints_low(
for (i = 0; i < foreign->n_fields; i++) {
foreign->foreign_col_names[i] = mem_heap_strdup(
foreign->heap, column_names[i]);
ptr = dict_scan_table_name(cs, ptr, &referenced_table, name,
......@@ -5330,6 +5344,7 @@ dict_create_foreign_constraints_low(
ref_column_names, i,
TRUE, FALSE, &index_error, &err_col, &err_index);
if (!index) {
dict_foreign_error_report_low(ef, create_name);
......@@ -7032,8 +7047,6 @@ dict_foreign_qualify_index(
field = dict_index_get_nth_field(index, i);
col_no = dict_col_get_no(field->col);
if (field->prefix_len != 0) {
/* We do not accept column prefix
indexes here */
......@@ -7059,6 +7072,15 @@ dict_foreign_qualify_index(
? col_names[col_no]
: dict_table_get_col_name(table, col_no);
if (dict_col_is_virtual(field->col)) {
for (ulint j = 0; j < table->n_v_def; j++) {
col_name = dict_table_get_v_col_name(table, j);
if (innobase_strcasecmp(field->name,col_name) == 0) {
if (0 != innobase_strcasecmp(columns[i], col_name)) {
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