1. 04 Dec, 2017 6 commits
    • Vesa Pentti's avatar
      MDEV-12501 -- set --maturity-level by default · 1af2d7ba
      Vesa Pentti authored
        * Note: breaking change; since this commit, a plugin that has
          worked so far might get rejected due to plugin maturity
        * mariabackup is not affected (allows all plugins)
        * VERSION file defines SERVER_MATURITY, which defines the
          corresponding numeric value as SERVER_MATURITY_LEVEL in
        * The default value for 'plugin_maturity' is SERVER_MATURITY_LEVEL - 1
        * Logs a warning if a plugin has maturity lower than
        * Tests suppress the plugin maturity warning
        * Tests use --plugin-maturity=unknown by default so as not to fail
          due to the stricter plugin maturity handling
    • Varun Gupta's avatar
      MDEV-7773: Aggregate stored functions · 60c44658
      Varun Gupta authored
      This commit implements aggregate stored functions. The basic idea behind
      the feature is:
      * Implement a special instruction FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW that will pause
      the execution of the stored function. When the instruction is reached,
      execution of the initial query resumes "as if" the function returned.
      This gives the server the opportunity to advance to the next row in the
      result set.
      * Stored aggregates behave like regular aggregate functions. The
      implementation of thus resides in the class Item_sum_sp. Because it is
      an aggregate function, for each new row in the group, the
      Item_sum_sp::add() method will be called. This is when execution resumes
      and the function does another iteration to "add" one extra element to
      the final result.
      * When the end of group is reached, val_xxx() method will be called for
      the item. This case is handled by another execute step for the stored
      function, only with a special flag to force a call to the return
      handler. See Item_sum_sp::execute() for details.
      To allow this pause and resume semantic, we must preserve the function
      context across executions. This is stored in Item_sp::sp_query_arena only for
      aggregate stored functions, but has no impact for regular functions.
      We also enforce aggregate functions to include the "FETCH GROUP NEXT ROW"
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVicențiu Ciorbaru <vicentiu@mariadb.org>
    • Vicențiu Ciorbaru's avatar
      Remove the side effect of setting m_sp from Item_sp::init_result_field · 7448b01b
      Vicențiu Ciorbaru authored
      Item_sp::init_result_field no longer takes sp_head* parameter. It
      expects the m_sp member to be already set to something valid.
    • Varun Gupta's avatar
      Refactor parts of Item_func_sp into Item_sp · c12d1ed4
      Varun Gupta authored
      In preparation for implementing custom aggregate functions, refactor
      the common code between regular stored functions and aggregate stored
      functions. This includes:
      * initialising SP result field
      * executing a SP
      * access checks
      In addition, refactor sp_head::execute_function to take two extra
      parameters, a function rcontext and a Query_arena. These two paremeters
      were initially initialised and destroyed within
      sp_head::execute_function, but for aggregate stored functions we will
      require control over their lifetime. The owner of these objects now
      becomes Item_sp.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVicențiu Ciorbaru <vicentiu@mariadb.org>
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      Silence -Wimplicit-fallthrough · 751ad744
      Marko Mäkelä authored
  2. 03 Dec, 2017 21 commits
    • Monty's avatar
      Remove compiler warnings · 60df17e9
      Monty authored
    • Monty's avatar
      Add direct join support for Spider · 52ca07c2
      Monty authored
      Includes Spider patches
      - 062_mariadb-10.2.0.direct_join_1and3.diff
      - 063_mariadb-10.2.0.direct_join_for_single_partition.diff
      - Test cases from Kentoku
      Allows Spider to push full joins to the Spider engine trough the
      create_group_by interface.
      Other things:
      - Increased MYSQL_VERSION_ID to check for 10211 (latest 10.2 version)
      - Fix for const_table at calling create_group_by().
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
    • Jacob Mathew's avatar
    • Kentoku SHIBA's avatar
      merge Spider 3.3.13 · 207594af
      Kentoku SHIBA authored
      New features in 3.3.13 are:
      - Join Push Down for 1 by 1 table and single partition.
    • Kentoku SHIBA's avatar
      Adding direct update/delete to the server and to the partition engine. · e53ef202
      Kentoku SHIBA authored
      Add support for direct update and direct delete requests for spider.
      A direct update/delete request handles all qualified rows in a single
      operation rather than one row at a time.
      Contains Spiral patches:
      006_mariadb-10.2.0.direct_update_rows.diff      MDEV-7704
      008_mariadb-10.2.0.partition_direct_update.diff MDEV-7706
      010_mariadb-10.2.0.direct_update_rows2.diff     MDEV-7708
      011_mariadb-10.2.0.aggregate.diff               MDEV-7709
      027_mariadb-10.2.0.force_bulk_update.diff       MDEV-7724
      061_mariadb-10.2.0.mariadb-10.1.8.diff          MDEV-12870
      - The differences compared to the original patches:
        - Most of the parameters of the new functions are unnecessary.  The
          unnecessary parameters have been removed.
        - Changed bit positions for new handler flags upon consideration of
          handler flags not needed by other Spiral patches and handler flags
          merged from MySQL.
        - Added info_push() (Was originally part of bulk access patch)
        - Didn't include code related to handler socket
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
      First reviewer:  Jacob Mathew
      Second reviewer: Michael Widenius
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Cleanups for ha_partition.cc · 352feb49
      Michael Widenius authored
      - Ensure that var= doesn't have a space before =
      - Fixed DBUG_PRINT to use %u for unsigned types
      - Use "enter" when printing function arguments
      - Fixed typos
      - Added some extra DBUG_PRINT
      - Removed not needed assignment
    • Monty's avatar
      MDEV-7702 Spiral patch 004_mariadb-10.0.15.slave-trx-retry.diff · b016e1ba
      Monty authored
      This is about adding more options to force slave retries
      Two new variables has been added:
      - Tells the slave thread to retry transaction for replication when a
        query event returns an error from the provided list. Deadlock and
        elapsed lock wait timeout errors are automatically added to this list
      - Interval of the slave SQL thread will retry a transaction
        in case it failed with a deadlock or elapsed lock wait
        timeout or listed in slave_transaction_retry_errors
      Other changes:
      - Simplifed code for slave_skip_errors (to be aligned with
      - Renamed print_slave_skip_errors() to make_slave_skip_errors_printable()
      - Remove printing error from init_slave_skip_errors as my_bitmap_init()
        will do that if needed.
      - Generalize has_temporary_error()
    • Monty's avatar
      Fix index scan cleanup in the partition engine. · 3907ff2d
      Monty authored
      Spiral Patch 057: 057_mariadb-10.2.0.partition_index_end.diff MDEV-12999
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
      First reviewer:  Jacob Mathew
      Second reviewer: Michael Widenius
    • Monty's avatar
      Adding option to tell that cmp_ref handler call is expensive · f26e14e2
      Monty authored
      - In Spider, calling cmp_ref() can be very expensive. In ha_partition.cc
        we don't anymore sort rows according to position for the Spider
      - Removed Spider specific call info(HA_EXTRA_STARTING_ORDERED_INDEX_SCAN)
        from handle_ordered_index_scan(). It's caused performance issues and
        does not change results for queries with ORDER BY.
      - The visible effect of this patch is that for some storage engines,
        rows may be returned in a different order if there is no ORDER BY clause.
      - Based in Spiral Patch 052:
      - The major difference from original patch is that there is no variable to
        get the old behaviour.
      Other things:
      - Optimized ha_partition::cmp_ref() and cmp_part_ids() to make them
        simpler and faster.
      - Changed arguments to cmp_key_part_id() to be same as
        cmp_key_rowid_part_id to simplify code.
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
      First reviewer:  Jacob Mathew
      Second reviewer: Michael Widenius
    • Monty's avatar
      Adding support for auto_increment in the partition engine. · dc17ac16
      Monty authored
      Contains Spiral patches:
      022_mariadb-10.2.0.auto_increment.diff               MDEV-7720
      030: 030_mariadb-10.2.0.partition_auto_inc_init.diff MDEV-7726
      These patches have the following differences compared to the original
      - Added the new #defines for the feature in spd_environ.h instead of in
        handler.h because these #defines are needed by Spider and are not needed
        by the server.
      - Cleaned up code related to the removed variable m_need_info_for_auto_inc
      . Changed variable assignment in lock_auto_increment() and
        unlock_auto_increment() so that the assignments are done under locks.
      - Added a test case.
      - Added test result changes resulting from a bug that was fixed by these
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
      First reviewer:  Jacob Mathew
      Second reviewer: Michael Widenius
    • Monty's avatar
      Adding Full Text Search support to partitions · 2f09b28e
      Monty authored
      Contains Spiral patches:
      007_mariadb-10.2.0.partition_fulltext.diff  MDEV-7705
      038_mariadb-10.2.0.partition_fulltext2.diff MDEV-7734
      This commit has the following differences compared to the original
      - Added necessary full text search cleanup at the storage engine layer
        that was omitted in the original patch.
      - Added test case.
      - A lot of code cleanups to make the code notable smaller.
      - Changed SQL code to use ha_ft_end() instead of ft_end()
      Original author: Kentoku SHIBA
      First reviewer:  Jacob Mathew
      Second reviewer: Michael Widenius
    • Monty's avatar
    • Monty's avatar
      Add direct aggregates · da26d16d
      Monty authored
      Spider patches 026 (MDEV-7723), 031 (MDEV-7727) and 058 (MDEV-12532)
      This allows the storage engine to internally compute sum and count
      - Enhance sum items to be able to store the sum value directly.
      - return_record_by_parent() is enabled in spider as
      - Added spd_environ.h to spider. This is loaded first to ensure that all
        MariaDB specific defines that are used by include files are properly
      - This code is tested by the existing spider tests direct_aggregate.test
        and direct_aggregate_part.test and also partition.test
    • Monty's avatar
      Added more DBUG information · 6f5a7e92
      Monty authored
      Done to simplify spider patch for direct aggregates
    • Monty's avatar
      Adding multi_range_read support to partitions · 8eeb689e
      Monty authored
      Other things:
      - Cleanup of allocated bitmaps done in open(), which
        simplifies init_partition_bitmaps()
      - Add needed defines in ha_spider.cc to enable new spider code
      - Fixed some DBUG_PRINT() to be consistent with normal code
      - Removed end space
      - The changes in test cases partition_innodb, partition_range,
        partition_pruning etc are becasue partitions can now more exactly
        calculate the number of rows in a range.
      Contains spider patches:
    • Monty's avatar
      MDEV-7700 Spiral patch 002_mariadb-10.0.15.spider.diff, part 2 · d5268a61
      Monty authored
      Allow partition engines to access table->s->connect_string for engines
      Don't reset table->s->connect_string in ha_partition::open
    • Monty's avatar
      MDEV 7701 extra() calls for VP engine · 7abe1149
      Monty authored
      Added Spider patches:
        in partition handler for handlers that has HA_CAN_MULTISTEPL_MERGE flag
      - Added HA_CAN_MULTISTEPL_MERGE to MERGE handler.
      - Added handler::get_child_handlers()
      - Change m_num_lock to contain total number of locks. This was needed as
        we now adjust number of locks when extra(HA_EXTRA_ATTACH_CHILDREN) is
    • Monty's avatar
      MDEV-7700 Spiral patch 002_mariadb-10.0.15.spider.diff · 3d1d4b87
      Monty authored
        partition engine.
    • Monty's avatar
      Applied patch 001_mariadb-10.0.15.partition_cond_push.diff · 25a1fdd1
      Monty authored
      - Added cond_push() and cond_pop() to ha_partition.cc
    • Monty's avatar
      Added spider patches for adding HANDLER support for the partition engine · c57e1bf5
      Monty authored
      + Fixes from Kentoku
      + Added handler/suite.pm and handler/suite.opt to be able to run test cases
        in spider/handler
  3. 02 Dec, 2017 4 commits
    • Monty's avatar
      Changed "const row not found" to "Const row not found" · 66607085
      Monty authored
      Also changed Unique row not found to use uppercase first.
      This was done to make these messages consistent with the rest
    • Monty's avatar
      Improve error messages · c24d1d66
      Monty authored
      - mysql_install_db now prints position to error file, if log-error is used
      - Warning about compatibility now mentions MySQL 5.6 and 5.7
      - Give warning if --show_compatibility_56 is used
    • Monty's avatar
    • Monty's avatar
      Mark constant 'null_tables' with table->const_table=1 · c65911ac
      Monty authored
      This was done to make thing consistent. It gives the additional benefit
      that EXPLAIN EXTENDED now treat null_tables like constant's and replaces
      columns with NULL, in a similar way that it replaces columns with constants
      for constant tables.
      - Null tables are tables where all columns are always NULL. The most common
        NULL TABLE is a table used in a LEFT_JOIN that is never true.
      - All result changes comes from replacing columns with NULL for null_tables.
      - "Impossible where" is now also shows constants for const columns.
      - Removed duplicated s->type= JT_CONST
      - Reset found_const_table_map when JOIN is created (safety fix)
  4. 01 Dec, 2017 4 commits
  5. 30 Nov, 2017 3 commits
  6. 29 Nov, 2017 2 commits