1. 30 May, 2012 1 commit
  2. 29 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Rohit Kalhans's avatar
      Rohit Kalhans authored
      Problem: mysqlbinlog exits without any error code in case of
      file write error. It is because of the fact that the calls
      to Log_event::print() method does not return a value and the
      thus any error were being ignored.
      Resolution: We resolve this problem by checking for the 
      IO_CACHE::error == -1 after every call to Log_event:: print()
      and terminating the further execution.
        - handled error conditions during event->print() calls
        - added check for error in end_io_cache()
        Added debug code to simulate file write error.
        error returned will be ENOSPC=> error no space on the disk
        Added debug code to simulate file write error, by reducing the size of io cache.
  3. 18 May, 2012 1 commit
    • Rohit Kalhans's avatar
      BUG#14005409 - 64624 · 2848dcdb
      Rohit Kalhans authored
      Problem: After the fix for Bug#12589870, a new field that
      stores the length of db name was added in the buffer that
      stores the query to be executed. Unlike for the plain user
      session, the replication execution did not allocate the
      necessary chunk in Query-event constructor. This caused an
      invalid read while accessing this field.
      Solution: We fix this problem by allocating a necessary chunk
      in the buffer created in the Query_log_event::Query_log_event()
      and store the length of database name.
        Added a new field in the buffer created in the
        Query_log_event's constructor and store the length
        of database name.
  4. 20 Apr, 2012 1 commit
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      BUG#11754117 incorrect logging of INSERT into auto-increment · e482b0bb
      Andrei Elkin authored
      BUG#11761686 insert_id event is not filtered.
      Two issues are covered.
      INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key 
      is unsafe by autoincrement logging design. The case is specific to MyISAM engine
      because Innodb does not allow such table definition.
      However no warnings and row-format logging in the MIXED mode was done, and
      that is fixed.
      Int-, Rand-, User-var log-events were not filtered along with their parent
      query that made possible them to screw up execution context of the following
      Fixed with deferring their execution until the parent query.
      Post review fixes.
        a new result file is added.
        results updated.
        regression test for BUG#11754117-45670 is added.
        regression test for filtering issue of BUG#11754117 - 45670 is added.
        Logics are added for deferring and executing events associated 
        with the Query event.
        Interface to deferred events batch execution is added.
        initialization for new RLI members is added.
        New members to RLI are added to facilitate deferred events gathering
        and execution control;
        two general character RLI cleanup methods are constructed.
        Deferred_log_events methods are difined.
        A new class Deferred_log_events is defined to implement
        IRU events gathering, execution and cleanup.
        Necessary changes to initialize `rli->deferred_events' and prevent
        deferred event deletion in the main read-exec branch.
        A new safe-check function for multi-part pk with auto-increment is defined
        and deployed in lock_tables().
        Initialization for a new member and replication cleanups are added
        to THD class.
        THD class receives a new member to hold a specific execution
        context for slave applier.
        Execution of the deferred event in started prior to its parent query.
  5. 29 Feb, 2012 1 commit
    • Praveenkumar Hulakund's avatar
      Praveenkumar Hulakund authored
      sql_mode "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES": When user want to use backslash as character input,
      instead of escape character in a string literal then sql_mode can be set to 
      "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES". With this mode enabled, backslash becomes an ordinary 
      character like any other. 
      SQL_MODE set applies to the current client session. And while creating the stored 
      procedure, MySQL stores the current sql_mode and always executes the stored 
      procedure in sql_mode stored with the Procedure, regardless of the server SQL 
      mode in effect when the routine is invoked.  
      In the scenario (for which bug is reported), the routine is created with 
      sql_mode=NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES. And routine is executed with the invoker sql_mode
      is "" (NOT SET) by executing statement "call testp('Axel\'s')".
      Since invoker sql_mode is "" (NOT_SET), the '\' in 'Axel\'s'(argument to function)
      is considered as escape character and column "a" (of table "t1") values are 
      updated with "Axel's". The binary log generated for above update operation is as below,
        set sql_mode=XXXXXX (for no_backslash_escapes)
        update test.t1 set a= NAME_CONST('var',_latin1'Axel\'s' COLLATE 'latin1_swedish_ci');
      While logging stored procedure statements, the local variables (params) used in
      statements are replaced with the NAME_CONST(var_name, var_value) (Internal function) 
      On slave, these logs are applied. NAME_CONST is parsed to get the variable and its
      value. Since, stored procedure is created with sql_mode="NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES", the sql_mode
      is also logged in. So that at slave this sql_mode is set before executing the statements
      of routine.  So at slave, sql_mode is set to "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES" and then while
      parsing NAME_CONST of string variable, '\' is considered as NON ESCAPE character
      and parsing reported error for "'" (as we have only one "'" no backslash). 
      At slave, parsing was proper with sql_mode "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES".
      But above error reported while writing bin log, "'" (of Axel's) is escaped with
      "\" character. Actually, all special characters (n, r, ', ", \, 0...) are escaped
      while writing NAME_CONST for string variable(param, local variable) in bin log 
      Airrespective of "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES" sql_mode. So, basically, the problem is 
      that logging string parameter does not take into account sql_mode value.
      So when sql_mode is set to "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES", escaping  characters as 
      (n, r, ', ", \, 0...) should be avoided. To do so, added a check to not to
      escape such characters while writing NAME_CONST for string variables in bin 
      And when sql_mode is set to NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES, quote character "'" is
      represented as ''.
      http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/string-literals.html (There are several 
      ways to include quote characters within a string: )
        Added test case for Bug#12601974.
        Appended result of test cases added for Bug#12601974.
        Added test case for Bug#12601974.
        Appended result of test cases added for Bug#12601974.
  6. 15 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      DBUG_PRINT in solaris does not work well with NULL parameters. · 770b03f9
      Luis Soares authored
      HA_ERR was returning 0 (null string) when no error happened 
      (error=0). Since HA_ERR is used in DBUG_PRINT, regardless there 
      was an error or not, the server could crash in solaris debug
      We fix this by:
        - deploying an assertion that ensures that the function 
          is not called when no error has happened;
        - making sure that HA_ERR is only called when an error 
        - making HA_ERR return "No Error", instead of 0, for 
          non-debug builds if it is called when no error happened.
      This will make HA_ERR return values to work with DBUG_PRINT on
      solaris debug builds.
  7. 14 Jul, 2011 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#11753004: 44360: REPLICATION FAILED · 1b1e1e05
      Luis Soares authored
      The server crashes if it processes table map events that are
      corrupted, especially if they map different tables to the same
      identifier. This could happen, for instance, due to BUG 56226.
      We fix this by checking whether the table map has already been
      mapped before actually applying the event. If it has been mapped
      with different settings an error is raised and the slave SQL
      thread stops. If it has been mapped with same settings the event
      is skipped. If the table is set to be ignored by the filtering
      rules, there is no change in behavior: the event is skipped and
      ids are not checked.
        Added a simple test case that checks both cases:
        - multiple table maps with the same identifier
        - multiple table maps with the same identifier, but only one
          is processed (the others are filtered out)
  8. 30 Jun, 2011 1 commit
  9. 24 Mar, 2011 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#11766865: 60091: RBR + NO PK + UPDATE NULL VALUE --> SLAVE BREAK WITH ERROR HA_ERR_END_OF_ · 4a496b7d
      Luis Soares authored
      The slave was not able to find the correct row in the innodb
      table, because the row fetched from the innodb table would not
      match the before image. This happened because the (don't care)
      bytes in the NULLed fields would change once the row was stored
      in the storage engine (from zero to the default value). This
      would make bulk memory comparison (using memcmp) to fail.
      We fix this by taking a preventing measure and avoiding memcmp
      for tables that contain nullable fields. Therefore, we protect
      the slave search routine from engines that return arbitrary
      values for don't care bytes (in the nulled fields). Instead, the
      slave thread will only check null_bits and those fields that are
      not set to NULL when comparing the before image against the
      storage engine row.
        Added test case to the include file so that this is tested 
        with more than one engine.
        Result update.
        Result update.
        Moved the include file last, so that the result from
        BUG#11766865 is not intermixed with the result for
        Skips memory comparison if the table has nullable 
        columns and compares only non-nulled fields in the
        field comparison loop.
  10. 29 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #50914 mysqlbinlog not handling drop of current default database · b15f216c
      unknown authored
      mysqlbinlog only prints "use $database" statements to its output stream
      when the active default database changes between events. This will cause
      "No Database Selected" error when dropping and recreating that database.
      To fix the problem, we clear print_event_info->db when printing an event
      of CREATE/DROP/ALTER database statements, so that the Query_log_event
      after such statements will be printed with the use 'db' anyway except
      transaction keywords.
        Test result for Bug#50914.
        Added test to verify if the approach of the mysqlbinlog prints
        "use $database" statements to its output stream will cause
        "No Database Selected" error when dropping and recreating
        that database.
        Updated code to clear print_event_info->db when printing an event
        of CREATE/DROP/ALTER database statements, so that the Query_log_event
        after such statements will be printed with the use 'db' anyway except
        transaction keywords.
  11. 21 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #56662 Assertion failed: next_insert_id == 0, file .\handler.cc · 10092e7c
      unknown authored
      Normally, auto_increment value is generated for the column by
      inserting either NULL or 0 into it. NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO
      suppresses this behavior for 0 so that only NULL generates
      the auto_increment value. This behavior is also followed by
      a slave, specifically by the SQL Thread, when applying events
      in the statement format from a master. However, when applying
      events in the row format, the flag was ignored thus causing
      an assertion failure:
      "Assertion failed: next_insert_id == 0, file .\handler.cc"
      In fact, we never need to generate a auto_increment value for
      the column when applying events in row format on slave. So we
      don't allow it to happen by using 'MODE_NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'.
      Refactoring: Get rid of all the sql_mode checks to rows_log_event
      when applying it for avoiding problems caused by the inconsistency
      of the sql_mode on slave and master as the sql_mode is not set for
        Added test to verify if the assertion of "next_insert_id == 0"
        will fail in ha_external_lock() function.
        Test result for bug#56662.
        Added code to not allow generation of auto_increment value when
        processing rows event by adding 'MODE_NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' to
        Added code to get rid of the 'MODE_STRICT_TRANS_TABLES'  and
        MODE_STRICT_ALL_TABLES check to the table when appling the
        rows event and treat it as no strict.
  12. 14 Dec, 2010 1 commit
  13. 03 Dec, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#46697: Table name in error message is not populated · b697bdf7
      Luis Soares authored
      When a query fails with a different error on the slave,
      the sql thread outputs a message (M) containing:
        1. the error message format for the master error code
        2. the master error code
        3. the error message for the slave's error code
        4. the slave error code
      Given that the slave has no information on the error message
      itself that the master outputs, it can only print its own
      version of the message format (but stripped from the 
      additional data if the message format requires). This may
      confuse users.
      To fix this we augment the slave's message (M) to explicitly
      state that the master's message is actually an error message 
      format, the one associated with the given master error code 
      and that the slave server knows about.
  14. 23 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#27606 GRANT statement should be replicated with DEFINER information · 650f0081
      unknown authored
      "Grantor" columns' data is lost when replicating mysql.tables_priv.
      Slave SQL thread used its default user ''@'' as the grantor of GRANT|REVOKE
      statements executing on it.
      In this patch, current user is put in query log event for all GRANT and REVOKE
      statement, SQL thread uses the user in query log event as grantor.
        Add test for this bug.
        Add test for this bug.
        Refactoring THD::current_user_used and related functions.
        current_user_used is used to judge if current user should be
        binlogged in query log event. So it is better to call it m_binlog_invoker.
        The related functions are renamed too.
        Refactoring THD::current_user_used and related functions.
        current_user_used is used to judge if current user should be
        binlogged in query log event. So it is better to call it m_binlog_invoker.
        The related functions are renamed too.
        Refactoring THD::current_user_used and related functions.
        current_user_used is used to judge if current user should be
        binlogged in query log event. So it is better to call it m_binlog_invoker.
        The related functions are renamed too.
        Call binlog_invoker() for GRANT and REVOKE statements.
  15. 21 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#55478 Row events wrongly apply on the temporary table of the same name · ff9140b5
      unknown authored
      Rows events were applied wrongly on the temporary table with the same name.
      But rows events are generated only for base tables. As temporary
      table's data never be binlogged on row mode. Normally, base table of the
      same name cannot be updated if a temporary table has the same name.
      But there are two cases which can generate rows events on 
      the base table of same name.
      Case1: 'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT' statement.
      In mixed format, it will generate rows events if it is unsafe.
      Case2: Drop a transactional temporary table in a transaction
             (happens only on 5.5+).
      DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t1;       # t1 is a InnoDB table
      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(rand()); # t1 is a MyISAM table
      'DROP TEMPORARY TABLE' will be put in the transaction cache and
      binlogged after the rows events generated by the 'INSERT' statement.
      After this patch, slave opens only base table when applying a rows event.
  16. 19 Oct, 2010 1 commit
  17. 09 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#55375 Transaction bigger than max_binlog_cache_size crashes slave · 3ed0e521
      unknown authored
      When slave executes a transaction bigger than slave's max_binlog_cache_size,
      slave will crash. It is caused by the assert that server should only roll back
      the statement but not the whole transaction if the error ER_TRANS_CACHE_FULL 
      happens. But slave sql thread always rollbacks the whole transaction when
      an error happens.
      Ather this patch, we always clear any error set in sql thread(it is different
      from the error in 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS') and it is cleared before rolling back
      the transaction.
        SET binlog_cache_size and max_binlog_cache_size for all test cases.
        Add test case for bug#55375.
        binlog_cache_size and max_binlog_cache_size can be set in the client connection.
        so remove this option file.
        SET binlog_cache_size and max_binlog_cache_size for all test cases.
        Add test case for bug#55375.
        Some functions don't return the error code, so it is a wrong error code.
        The error should always be set into thd->main_da. So we use 
        slave_rows_error_report to report the right error.
        exec_relay_log_event() need call cleanup_context() to clear context. 
        clearup_context() will call end_trans().
        Clear thd's error before cleanup_context. It avoid to trigger the assert
        which cause this bug.
  18. 06 Oct, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#38718: slave sql thread crashes when reading relay log · c13a5ace
      Luis Soares authored
      Suprisingly, a Slave_log_event would show up in the binary
      log. This event is never used and should not appear in the
      logs. As such, when the slave (or the mysqlbinlog tool) reads the
      event, it will hit an invalid pointer (reference to the
      descriptor event when deserializing the Slave_log_event was
      purposodely set to NULL).
      The presence of the Slave_log_event denotes a corrupted log, but
      we cannot tell how the log got corrupted in the first
      place. However, we can make the server cope with such events when
      it reads them - in case of log corruption - and fail gracefully.
      This patch makes the server/mysqlbinlog to report that it has
      found an invalid log event when Slave_log_event is read.
  19. 09 Jul, 2010 1 commit
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Bug#45288: pb2 returns a lot of compilation warnings on linux · dd12c004
      Davi Arnaut authored
      Although the C standard mandates that sprintf return the number
      of bytes written, some very ancient systems (i.e. SunOS 4)
      returned a pointer to the buffer instead. Since these systems
      are not supported anymore and are hopefully long dead by now,
      simply remove the portability wrapper that dealt with this
      discrepancy. The autoconf check was causing trouble with GCC.
  20. 08 Jul, 2010 1 commit
  21. 28 Jun, 2010 1 commit
  22. 27 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      The following statements support the CURRENT_USER() where a user is needed. · 95e5c868
      unknown authored
      DROP USER 
      ALTER DEFINER = CURRENT_USER() EVENTbut, When these statements are binlogged, CURRENT_USER() just is binlogged
      as 'CURRENT_USER()', it is not expanded to the real user name. When slave 
      executes the log event, 'CURRENT_USER()' is expand to the user of slave 
      SQL thread, but SQL thread's user name always NULL. This breaks the replication.
      After this patch, session's user will be written into query log events 
      if these statements call CURREN_USER() or 'ALTER EVENT' does not assign a definer.
        Expend its abilities.
        Now it can diff not only in sessions of 'master' and 'slave', but 
        other sessions as well.
        Diff the same table between master and slaves.
        session's user will be written into Query_log_event, if is_current_user_used() is TRUE.
        On slave SQL thread, Only thd->variables.current_user is written into Query_log_event,
        if it exists.
        On slave SQL thread, grantor should copy from thd->variables.current_user, if it exists
        On slave SQL thread, thd->variables.current_user is used to store the applying event's
  23. 04 Jul, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      The following statements support the CURRENT_USER() where a user is needed. · 7cd8cb29
      unknown authored
      DROP USER 
      ALTER DEFINER = CURRENT_USER() EVENTbut, When these statements are binlogged, CURRENT_USER() just is binlogged
      as 'CURRENT_USER()', it is not expanded to the real user name. When slave 
      executes the log event, 'CURRENT_USER()' is expand to the user of slave 
      SQL thread, but SQL thread's user name always NULL. This breaks the replication.
      After this patch, session's user will be written into query log events 
      if these statements call CURREN_USER() or 'ALTER EVENT' does not assign a definer.
        Expend its abilities.
        Now it can diff not only in sessions of 'master' and 'slave', but 
        other sessions as well.
        session's user will be written into Query_log_event, if is_current_user_used() is TRUE.
        On slave SQL thread, Only thd->invoker is written into Query_log_event,
        if it exists.
        On slave SQL thread, grantor should copy from thd->invoker, if it exists
        On slave SQL thread, thd->invoker is used to store the applying event's
  24. 02 Jul, 2010 1 commit
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Bug#53445: Build with -Wall and fix warnings that it generates · 1113efea
      Davi Arnaut authored
      Apart strict-aliasing warnings, fix the remaining warnings
      generated by GCC 4.4.4 -Wall and -Wextra flags.
      One major source of warnings was the in-house function my_bcmp
      which (unconventionally) took pointers to unsigned characters
      as the byte sequences to be compared. Since my_bcmp and bcmp
      are deprecated functions whose only difference with memcmp is
      the return value, every use of the function is replaced with
      memcmp as the special return value wasn't actually being used
      by any caller.
      There were also various other warnings, mostly due to type
      mismatches, missing return values, missing prototypes, dead
      code (unreachable) and ignored return values.
        Remove flags that are implied by -Wall and -Wextra.
        Do not warn about unused parameters in C++.
        Print only the compiler version instead of verbose banner.
        Although the option is gcc specific, the check was only
        being used for GCC specific checks anyway.
        bcmp is no longer defined.
        Pass a string to function expecting a format string.
        Replace use of bcmp with memcmp.
        Always define _GNU_SOURCE when compiling GNU readline.
        Required to make certain prototypes visible.
        Condition for the code to be meaningful.
        Remove check for bcmp.
        Use appropriate type.
        Replace use of bcmp with memcmp.
        Do not ignore the return value of fgets. Retrieve the file
        position if fgets succeed -- if it fails, the function will
        bail out and return a error.
        Use a single array instead of accessing positions of the sbox_
        through a subscript to pbox_.
        One definition of such functions is enough.
        Avoid potentially ambiguous conditions.
        Rename arguments to avoid shadowing related warnings.
        Avoid potentially ambiguous conditions.
        Do not define type within a anonymous union.
        Use a variable to return a value instead of
        leaving the result in a register -- compiler
        does not know the logic inside the asm.
        Define handler for pure virtual functions.
        Remove unused code.
        Avoid potentially ambiguous conditions.
        Function must have C language linkage.
        Remove check which relied on bcmp being defined -- they weren't
        being used as bcmp is only visible when _BSD_SOURCE is defined.
        Remove bogus helpers which were used only in a few files and
        were causing warnings about dead code.
        Due to G++ bug, always silence false-positive uninitialized
        variables warnings when compiling C++ code with G++.
        Remove bogus helper.
        Remove built-in implementation of bcmp.
        Cast pid to largest possible type for a process identifier.
        Leave space of the ending nul.
        Replace bcmp with memcmp.
        Dead code removal.
        Remove unused variable.
        Silence bogus uninitialized variable warning.
        Do not cast away the constant qualifier.
        Cast to expected type.
        Silence bogus uninitialized variable warning.
        Replace bogus helper with a more appropriate logic which is
        used throughout the code.
        Remove bogus logical condition which always evaluates to TRUE.
        Simplify code to avoid signedness related warnings.
        Replace use of bcmp with memcmp.
        No need to use helpers for simple bit operations.
        Replace bmove_align with memcpy.
        Move use declaration of variable to the ifdef block where it
        is used. Remove now-unnecessary casts and arguments.
        Replace bogus helpers with simple and classic bit operations.
        Cast to expected type and silence bogus warning.
        Don't use enum values as bit flags, the supposed type safety is
        bogus as the combined bit flags are not a value in the enumeration.
        Only declare variable when necessary.
        Replace use of bmove_align with memcpy.
        Silence bogus warning.
        Remove bogus cast, DBUG_DUMP expects a pointer to unsigned
        Remove bogus cast, DBUG_DUMP expects a pointer to unsigned
        Remove built-in bcmp.
        Silence bogus warning.
        Use a appropriate type as expected by simple_command().
  25. 03 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#53893: RBR: nullable unique key can lead to out-of-sync slave · 5401bd0b
      Luis Soares authored
      Post-push fix.
      There was a valgrind issue on the loop that checks whether there
      are NULL fields in the UNIQUE KEY or not. In detail, for the last 
      iteration the server may read out of the key_part array boundaries,
      making valgrind to output warnings.
      We fix this by correcting the loop, ie, moving the part that reads
      from the key_part to be inside the loop statement block. This way
      the assignment is protected by the loop condition.
  26. 02 Jun, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#53893: RBR: nullable unique key can lead to out-of-sync slave · 78906f72
      Luis Soares authored
      When using Unique Keys with nullable parts in RBR, the slave can
      choose the wrong row to update. This happens because a table with
      an unique key containing nullable parts cannot strictly guarantee 
      uniqueness. As stated in the manual, for all engines, a UNIQUE 
      index allows multiple NULL values for columns that can contain 
      We fix this at the slave by extending the checks before assuming
      that the row found through an unique index is is the correct
      one. This means that when a record (R) is fetched from the storage
      engine and a key that is not primary (K) is used, the server does 
      the following: 
       - If K is unique and has no nullable parts, it returns R;
       - Otherwise, if any field in the before image that is part of K
         is null do an index scan;
       - If there is no NULL field in the BI part of K, then return R.
      A side change: renamed the existing test case file and added a
      test case covering the changes in this patch.
  27. 19 May, 2010 1 commit
    • Alfranio Correia's avatar
      BUG#53560 CREATE TEMP./DROP TEMP. are not binglogged correctly after a failed statement · c8d6a07d
      Alfranio Correia authored
      This patch fixes two problems described as follows:
      1 - If there is an on-going transaction and a temporary table is created or
      dropped, any failed statement that follows the "create" or "drop commands"
      triggers a rollback and by consequence the slave will go out sync because
      the binary log will have a wrong sequence of events.
      To fix the problem, we changed the expression that evaluates when the
      cache should be flushed after either the rollback of a statment or
      2 - When a "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SELECT * FROM" was executed the
      OPTION_KEEP_LOG was not set into the thd->options. For that reason, if
      the transaction had updated only transactional engines and was rolled
      back at the end (.e.g due to a deadlock) the changes were not written
      to the binary log, including the creation of the temporary table.
      To fix the problem, we have set the OPTION_KEEP_LOG into the thd->options
      when a "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SELECT * FROM" is executed.
        Reorganized the code based on the following functions:
        - bool ending_trans(const THD* thd, const bool all);
        - bool trans_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd);
        - bool trans_has_no_stmt_committed(const THD* thd, const bool all);
        - bool stmt_has_updated_non_trans_table(const THD* thd);
        Added functions to organize the code in log.cc.
        Removed the OPTION_KEEP_LOG since it must be used only when
        creating and dropping temporary tables.
        Removed the OPTION_KEEP_LOG since it must be used only when
        creating and dropping temporary tables.
        When a "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SELECT * FROM" was executed the
        OPTION_KEEP_LOG was not set into the thd->options.
        To fix the problem, we have set the OPTION_KEEP_LOG into the
        thd->options when a "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE SELECT * FROM"
        is executed.
  28. 21 Apr, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#52868: Wrong handling of NULL value during update, replication out · 2d1b72fc
      Luis Soares authored
                 of sync
      In RBR, sometimes the table->s->last_null_bit_pos can be zero. This
      has impact at the slave when it compares records fetched from the
      storage engine against records in the binary log event. If
      last_null_bit_pos is zero the slave, while comparing in
      log_event.cc:record_compare function, would set all bits in the last
      null_byte to 1 (assumed all 8 were unused) . Thence it would loose the
      ability to distinguish records that were similar in contents except
      for the fact that some field was null in one record, but not in the
      other. Ultimately this would cause wrong matches, and in the specific
      case depicted in the bug report the same record would be updated
      twice, resulting in a lost update.
      Additionally, in the record_compare function the slave was setting the
      X bit unconditionally. There are cases that the X bit does not exist
      in the record header. This could also lead to wrong matches between
      We fix both by conditionally resetting the bits: (i) unused null_bits
      are set if last_null_bit_pos > 0; (ii) X bit is set if
      HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD is in use.
        Shared part of the test case for MyISAM and InnoDB.
        InnoDB test case.
        MyISAM test case. Added also coverage for Field_bits case.
        Deployed conditional setting of unused bits at record_compare.
        Same change as in log_event.cc.
  29. 28 Mar, 2010 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #50407 mysqlbinlog --database=X produces bad output for SAVEPOINTs · 78557dd4
      unknown authored
      When mysqlbinlog was given the --database=X flag, it always printed
      'ROLLBACK TO', but the corresponding 'SAVEPOINT' statement was not
      printed. The replicated filter(replicated-do/ignore-db) and binlog
      filter (binlog-do/ignore-db) has the same problem. They are solved
      in this patch together.
      After this patch, We always check whether the query is 'SAVEPOINT'
      statement or not. Because this is a literal check, 'SAVEPOINT' and
      'ROLLBACK TO' statements are also binlogged in uppercase with no
      any comments.
      The binlog before this patch can be handled correctly except one case
      that any comments are in front of the keywords. for example:
       /* bla bla */ SAVEPOINT a;
       /* bla bla */ ROLLBACK TO a;
  30. 17 Mar, 2010 1 commit
    • Mats Kindahl's avatar
      BUG#49618: Field length stored incorrectly in binary log · 028d1256
      Mats Kindahl authored
                 for InnoDB
      The class Field_bit_as_char stores the metadata for the
      field incorrecly because bytes_in_rec and bit_len are set
      to (field_length + 7 ) / 8 and 0 respectively, while
      Field_bit has the correct values field_length / 8 and
      field_length % 8.
      Solved the problem by re-computing the values for the
      metadata based on the field_length instead of using the
      bytes_in_rec and bit_len variables.
      To handle compatibility with old server, a table map
      flag was added to indicate that the bit computation is
      exact. If the flag is clear, the slave computes the
      number of bytes required to store the bit field and
      compares that instead, effectively allowing replication
      *without conversion* from any field length that require
      the same number of bytes to store.
        Adding test to check compatibility for bit field
        replication when using InnoDB
        Extending compatible_field_size() with flags from
        table map to allow fields to check master info.
        Extending compatible_field_size() with flags from
        table map to allow fields to check master info.
        Removing table map flags since they are not used
        outside table map class.
        Removing flags parameter from table map constructor
        since it is not used and does not have to be exposed.
        Adding flag to denote that bit length for bit field type
        is exact and not potentially rounded to even bytes.
        Adding fields to table_def to store table map flags.
        Removing obsolete comment and adding flags to store
        table map flags from master.
  31. 22 Feb, 2010 1 commit
    • Staale Smedseng's avatar
      Bug #43414 Parenthesis (and other) warnings compiling · 01995d1b
      Staale Smedseng authored
      MySQL with gcc 4.3.2
      This is the final patch in the context of this bug. 
        Changed in a previous patch, reverted by a backport.
        Static var initialization.
        SetErrorString handles errors outside of the YasslError
        SetErrorString handles errors outside of the YasslError
        SetErrorString handles errors outside of the YasslError
  32. 17 Feb, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#48993: valgrind errors in mysqlbinlog · bc87dfe2
      Luis Soares authored
      I found three issues during the analysis:
       1. Memory leak caused by temp_buf not being freed;
       2. Memory leak caused when handling argv;
       3. Conditional jump that depended on unitialized values.
      Issue #1
        DESCRIPTION: when mysqlbinlog is reading from a remote location
        the event temp_buf references the incoming stream (in NET
        object), which is not freed by mysqlbinlog explicitly. On the
        other hand, when it is reading local binary log, it points to a
        temporary buffer that needs to be explicitly freed. For both
        cases, the temp_buf was not freed by mysqlbinlog, instead was
        set to 0.  This clearly disregards the free required in the
        second case, thence creating a memory leak.
        FIX: we make temp_buf to be conditionally freed depending on
        the value of remote_opt. Found out that similar fix is already
        in most recent codebases.
      Issue #2 
        DESCRIPTION: load_defaults is called by parse_args, and it
        reads default options from configuration files and put them
        BEFORE the arguments that are already in argc and argv. This is
        done resorting to MEM_ROOT. However, parse_args calls
        handle_options immediately after which changes argv. Later when
        freeing the defaults, pointers to MEM_ROOT won't match, causing
        the memory not to be freed:
        void free_defaults(char **argv)
          MEM_ROOT ptr
          memcpy_fixed((char*) &ptr,(char *) argv - sizeof(ptr), sizeof(ptr));
        FIX: we remove load_defaults from parse_args and call it
        before. Then we save argv with defaults in defaults_argv BEFORE
        calling parse_args (which inside can then call handle_options
        at will). Actually, found out that this is in fact kind of a
        backport for BUG#38468 into 5.1, so I merged in the test case
        as well and added error check for load_defaults call.
        Fix based on:
      Issue #3 
        DESCRIPTION: the structure st_print_event_info constructor
        would not initialize the sql_mode member, although it did for
        sql_mode_inited (set to false). This would later raise the
        warning in valgrind when printing the sql_mode in the event
        header, as this print out is protected by a check against
        sql_mode_inited and sql_mode variables. Given that sql_mode was
        not initialized valgrind would output the warning.
        FIX: we add initialization of sql_mode to the
        st_print_event_info constructor.
        - Conditionally free ev->temp_buf.
        - save defaults_argv before handle_options is called.
        Added test case from BUG#38468.
        Added initialization of sql_mode for st_print_event_info.
  33. 05 Feb, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      BUG#50620: Adding an index to a table prevents slave from logging · e66904a5
      Luis Soares authored
      into slow log
      While processing a statement, down the mysql_parse execution
      stack, the thd->enable_slow_log can be assigned to
      opt_log_slow_admin_statements, depending whether one is executing
      administrative statements, such as ALTER TABLE, OPTIMIZE,
      ANALYZE, etc, or not. This can have an impact on slow logging for
      statements that are executed after an administrative statement
      execution is completed.
      When executing statements directly from the user this is fine
      because, the thd->enable_slow_log is reset right at the beginning
      of the dispatch_command function, ie, everytime a new statement
      is set is set to execute.
      On the other hand, for slave SQL thread (sql_thd) the story is a
      bit different. When in SBR the sql_thd applies statements by
      calling mysql_parse. Right after, it calls log_slow_statement
      function to log them if they take too long. Calling mysql_parse
      directly is fine, but also means that dispatch_command function
      is bypassed. As a consequence, thd->enable_slow_log does not get
      a chance to be reset before the next statement to be executed by
      the sql_thd. If the statement just executed by the sql_thd was an
      administrative statement and logging of admin statements was
      disabled, this means that sql_thd->enable_slow_log will be set to
      0 (disabled) from that moment on. End result: sql_thd stops
      logging slow statements.
      We fix this by resetting the value of sql_thd->enable_slow_log to
      the value of opt_log_slow_slave_statements right after
      log_slow_stement is called by the sql_thd.
  34. 28 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • Davi Arnaut's avatar
      Fix for compiler warnings: · 47e52b90
      Davi Arnaut authored
      Rename method as to not hide a base.
      Reorder attributes initialization.
      Remove unused variable.
      Rework code to silence a warning due to assignment used as truth value.
        Rename method as to not hide a base.
        Rename method as to not hide a base.
        Reorder attributes initialization.
        Rework code to silence a warning due to assignment used as truth value.
        Remove unused variable.
        Rework code to silence a warning due to assignment used as truth value.
        Rework code to silence a warning due to assignment used as truth value.
        Rework code to silence a warning due to assignment used as truth value.
  35. 25 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • Andrei Elkin's avatar
      Bug #47142 "slave start until" stops 1 event too late in 4.1 to 5.0 replication · 4d042ff4
      Andrei Elkin authored
      When replicating from 4.1 master to 5.0 slave START SLAVE UNTIL can stop too late.
      The necessary in calculating of the beginning of an event the event's length
      did not correspond to the master's genuine information at the event's execution time.
      That piece of info was changed at the event's relay-logging due to binlog_version<4 event
      conversion by IO thread.
      Fixed with storing the master genuine Query_log_event size into a new status
      variable at relay-logging of the event. The stored info is extacted at the event
      execution and participate further to caclulate the correct start position of the event
      in the until-pos stopping routine.
      The new status variable's algorithm will be only active when the event comes
      from the master of version < 5.0 (binlog_version < 4).
        results changed.
        a binlog from 4.1 master to replace one of the running 5.x master is added as 
        part of Bug #47142 regression test.
        Regression test for Bug #47142 is added.
        Storing and extracting the master's genuine size of the event from the status
        var of the event packet header.
        The binlog_version<4 query-log-event is 
        a. converted into the modern binlog_version==4 to store the original size of the event
           into a new status var; the converted representation goes into the relay log.
        b. the converted event is read out and the stored size is engaged in the start pos calculation.
        The new status is active only for events that IO thread instantiates for the sake of the conversion.
        Incrementing the max szie of MAX_SIZE_LOG_EVENT_STATUS because of the new status var;
        Defining the new status variable to hold the master's genuine event size;
        Augmenting the Query_log_event with a new member to hold a value to store/extact from the status
        var of the event packet header.
  36. 24 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  37. 19 Jan, 2010 1 commit
  38. 14 Jan, 2010 1 commit
    • Luis Soares's avatar
      Fix for BUG#49481 and BUG#49482. · 383c4e3a
      Luis Soares authored
      BUG#49481: RBR: MyISAM and bit fields may cause slave to stop on delete: 
      cant find record
      BUG#49482: RBR: Replication may break on deletes when MyISAM tables + 
      char field are used
      When using MyISAM tables, despite the fact that the null bit is
      set for some fields, their old value is still in the row. This
      can cause the comparison of records to fail when the slave is
      doing an index or range scan.
      We fix this by avoiding memcmp for MyISAM tables when comparing
      records. Additionally, when comparing field by field, we first
      check if both fields are not null and if so, then we compare
      them. If just one field is null we return failure immediately. If
      both fields are null, we move on to the next field.
  39. 06 Jan, 2010 2 commits