1. 16 Nov, 2019 2 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      ===================================================================== · 2cb4b152
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      This new CONNECT version 1.07 fully implements NOSQL support.
      It allows working on JSON or XML data retrieved as REST query results
      from all binary distributions of MariaDB when cpprestsdk is installed
      and the GetRest library is available.
      - Make Rest available for MariaDB binary distributed versions.
        Change RestGet function so it can be called from a library.
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/restget.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
      - Make column FLAG option available to discovery functions.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
      - Update CONNECT version number and date.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Move OEMColumns function from mycat.cc to reldef.cpp.
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
      - Allocate tables as TABREF (was RELDEF)
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.h
      - Fix MDEV-20845 by commenting out TIMEOUT setting.
        modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
      - Call DefineAM before calling GetColCatInfo. Column offset
        is now based on record format instead of table type.
        The RECFM_VCT format was added.
        This enables tables to specify the record format and is
        useful in particular for OEM tables.
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
  2. 16 Oct, 2019 2 commits
  3. 10 Sep, 2019 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Remove some incorrect compile flags · 425dc6d6
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        Just keep the /MDd flag but only for Windows Debug REST compile
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      - Add a trace to EvalColumns
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
      - Remove a file not belonging to CONNECT
        deleted:    rest.h
  4. 22 Aug, 2019 1 commit
  5. 19 Aug, 2019 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      Some small changes. · c0f90425
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      - Modify tracing to use htrc to be compatible with old versions
        when this code is used to make an EOM module.
        modified:   storage/connect/restget.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
      - Path apparently not needed for the cpprest lib on Linux
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
  6. 17 Aug, 2019 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      In CONNECT version 1.6.10 NOSQL facility is enhanced by a new way to retrieve NOSQL data. · 4d93c7f3
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      In addition to files and Mongo collections, JSON as well as XML and CSV data can be retrieved
      from the net as answers from REST queries. Because it uses and external package (cpprestsdk)
      this is currently available only to MariaDB servers compiled from source.
      -- Add compile flags needed on Windows /MD or /MDd (debug)
      -- Also include some changes needed on Linux
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      - Add the xtrc tracing function
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
      - Modify tracing to use xtrc and some typo
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/block.h
        modified:   storage/connect/restget.cpp
      - Fix compilation error when ZIP is not supported
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
      - Add some tracing + typo
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      - Add conditional code based on MARIADB
        This to be able to use the same code in CONNECT and EOM modules
        modified:   storage/connect/osutil.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
      - Replace PlugSetPath by some concat (crashed on Fedora) + typo
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
      - Try to fix test failures
        modified:   zlib/CMakeLists.txt
  7. 31 Jul, 2019 1 commit
  8. 30 Jul, 2019 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      In CONNECT version 1.6.10 NOSQL facility is enhanced by a new way to retrieve NOSQL data. · e4797a99
      Olivier Bertrand authored
      In addition to files and Mongo collections, JSON as well as XML and CSV data can be retrieved
      from the net as answers from REST queries. Because it uses and external package (cpprestsdk)
      this is currently available only to MariaDB servers compiled from source.
      -- Add the REST support when Microsoft Casablanca package (cpprestsdk) is installed.
      -- Also include some changes specific to MariaDB 10.3.
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      -- Add conditional REST support
      -- Added string options HTTP and URI.
      -- Added added internal table type TAB_REST.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.h
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
      -- Fix MDEV-19648 Variable connect_conv_size doesn't change
      -- Change Variable wrong block parameter from 8169 to 1.
      -- Also change connect_conv_size default value to 1024.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      -- Avoid possible buffer overflow
      -- In particular by the function ShowValue.
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.h
      -- Add some cast to avoid some compiler warnings
        modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp
      -- Fix some C++ error
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
      -- Miscellaneous Typo and warning suppressing changes
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.h
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/libdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.h
      -- Update failing test results and disbling
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/disabled.def
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/dir.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/grant.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc_postgresql.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/xml.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/xml2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/xml2_mult.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/xml_mult.result
      -- Add an option
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/grant.test
  9. 25 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  10. 24 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  11. 23 Mar, 2019 1 commit
  12. 03 Mar, 2019 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-18292: CONNECT Engine JDBC not able to issue · d421df7e
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        simple UPDATE statement from trigger or stored procedure
        Was not fixed when the same table was called several times
        with different modes. Fixed by checking if a new statement
        is compatible in the start_stmt function. It nows do the
        same checks than external_lock.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
      - typo
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.cc
  13. 09 Feb, 2019 3 commits
  14. 07 Feb, 2019 4 commits
  15. 06 Feb, 2019 3 commits
  16. 05 Feb, 2019 11 commits
  17. 04 Feb, 2019 3 commits
  18. 03 Feb, 2019 2 commits