1. 08 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  2. 07 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Delete an assert(qrp) from JCATPARM *AllocCatInfo that is called with · b291daac
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        qrp=NULL from JDBConn::SetUUID. Also delete a clone of this function
        that was duplicated in javaconn.cpp.
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
      - Update some disabled tests and results to avoid failure
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/json_java_2.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/json_java_3.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo_java_2.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo_java_3.test
  3. 06 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-16672 Connect: Warnings with 10.0 · 9644415f
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        filamtxt.cpp: DOSFAM::RenameTempFile: Change sprintf to snprintf.
        filamvct.cpp: VECFAM::RenameTempFile: Change sprintf to snprintf.
          Add JAVAConn::GetUTFString function.
          Use it instead of env->GetStringUTFChars.
          Fix wrong identation.
        javaconn.h: Add GetUTFString declaration.
          Use GetUTFString function instead of env->GetStringUTFChars.
          Use GetUTFString function instead of env->GetStringUTFChars.
          Fix wrong identation.
        jsonudf.cpp: change 139 to BMX line 4631.
          Add ReleaseStringUTF.
          Fix wrong identation.
        tabpivot.cpp: Fix wrong identation.
        tabutil.cpp: TDBPRX::GetSubTable: Change sprintf to snprintf.
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjmg.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
      - Fix MDEV-16895 CONNECT engine's get_error_message can cause buffer
                       overflow and server crash with long queries
        ha_connect_cc: Update version.
          get_error_message: Remove charset conversion.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Fix a server crash on inserting bigint to a JDBC table
          Suppress check on ctyp that causes a server crash because ctyp
          can be negative and this triggers an DEBUG_ASSERT on return.
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
      - Update jdbc.result
        mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc.result: Recorded to reflect a message change.
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc.result
  4. 18 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  5. 06 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-15735 CONNECT [filamtxt.cpp:429]: Suspicious condition · 0138220f
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
      - Fix compiler warnings
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/json.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
      - Miscelleanous from 10.3
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.cc
  6. 27 Mar, 2018 1 commit
  7. 11 Mar, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-15429 CONNECT engine JDBC handling Postgresql UUID type · f9cf2df0
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        Also handle Postgresql sending type VARCHAR for TEXT column and
        setting length to b x7FFFFFF when the length is unknown.
        modified:   storage/connect/Client.java
        modified:   storage/connect/JavaWrappers.jar
        modified:   storage/connect/JdbcInterface.java
        modified:   storage/connect/PostgresqlInterface.java
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/jdbc_postgresql.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/jdbc_postgresql.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/jdbconn.inc
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.h
  8. 25 Feb, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Remove warning on not used tabtyp variable in connect_assisted_discovery · 175ce0e7
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Fix a bug causing CONNECT to loop when expanding a JSON column
        when the expanded column value is null or void array.
      - Adding the FullArray option to JSON tables.
      - Skipping expanded JSON lines when the expanded column value is null.
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
      - Fix MDEV-13353 No file privilege for ODBC, JDBC, MONGO, MAC, WMI file types.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Make some Json UDFs  to accept a non JSON item as 1st parameter.
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/json.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.h
      - Update Json UDF tests to cope with above changes.
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_udf.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_udf_bin.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/vcol.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/json_udf.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/vcol.test
      - Fix some compiler warning treated as error
        PlugSubAlloc no more exported because it does throw.
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
      - Other files modified (?) when going back to wrong merge
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/colblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/csort.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/domdoc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamgz.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/fmdlex.c
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/macutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/preparse.h
        modified:   storage/connect/rcmsg.c
        modified:   storage/connect/rcmsg.h
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmac.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xobject.cpp
  9. 12 Feb, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix a bug causing CONNECT to loop when expanding a JSON column · 27323311
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        when the expanded column value is null or void array.
      - Adding the FullArray option to JSON tables.
      - Skipping expanded JSON lines when the expanded column value is null.
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
  10. 02 Feb, 2018 1 commit
  11. 31 Jan, 2018 1 commit
  12. 30 Jan, 2018 2 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Change the connect_xtrace variable to from int to set · dd07e30c
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Use delayed load for the MongoDB C Drive on Windows · 5abdd20c
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Add FORCE to the connect_type_conv enum values
        This will translate binary values to TYPE_STRING
        modified:   storage/connect/checklvl.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
      - Change the connect_xtrace variable to from int to set
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/blkfil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/block.h
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/colblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/filamap.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamgz.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgfam.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/odbconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabcol.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabfmt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjdbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/table.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmul.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabodbc.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabpivot.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabsys.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabwmi.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xindex.cpp
      - Restore connect_enable_mongo variable (but undocumented)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/tbl_thread.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo.inc
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo_test.inc
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/tbl_thread.test
  13. 03 Jan, 2018 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-9844, MDEV-10179, MDEV-14214 · fc2d7948
      Olivier Bertrand authored
       This is done by removing the tbl table type THREAD option
       that causes a multiple of sporadic bugs.
       This may be temporary depending on whether a real fix is found.
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/disabled.def
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.h
  14. 03 Nov, 2017 1 commit
  15. 31 Oct, 2017 3 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Change inihandl from c to c++. · 332d9f7b
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        Because it now includes global.h that contains a bool function definition
        that make compile to fail on Linux.
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        removed:    storage/connect/inihandl.c
        added:      storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-13925: Actually this fixes SELECT queries when · 3db76c99
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        the WHERE clause have single quote.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Use Windows VirtualAlloc and VirtualFree for the Sarea workspace
        modified:   storage/connect/global.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plugutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/user_connect.cc
  16. 17 Oct, 2017 1 commit
  17. 16 Oct, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix a bug in TYPVAL<PSZ> compute causing it sometime not to be executed · c83e2a63
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        This was the cause of the bug in CalculateArray
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
      - Avoid some compiler warnings
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjmg.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
  18. 15 Oct, 2017 2 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Make another temporary fix for the compiler bug in CalculateArray · 6691d12e
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Update version number · bcfb5b2d
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Include MONGO in all Java enabled distributions
        Mongo will be enabled only for 10.2 and 10.3
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      - Change JDBC_SUPPORT to JAVA_SUPPORT which also replaces MONGO_SUPPORT
        MONGO_SUPPORT is now just used to enable the MONGO table type
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
      - Move MakeSelector function from FILTER to mongo.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.h
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.cpp
      - Do mongo_init only on first use of the MongoDB C Driver
        This will permit to delay load the mongo lib on Windows
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Replace NEW_VAR by a test on MYSQL_VERSION_ID
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Suppress enable_mongo session variable
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
      - Make some function headers identical in .h and .cc file
        (replacing const char* by PCSZ)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
      - Change a parameter type from uchar* to const uchar*
        (for ScanRecord and CheckRecord)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
      - Changes on LIKE and NOT LIKE does not fix a bug yet
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Suppress PIVOT_SUPPORT (PIVOT type is unconditionnal)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
      - Change the strz function from inline to static
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
      - export the JavaConn class and the MgoColumns and IsNum functions
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.h
        modified:   storage/connect/json.h
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.h
      - Fix MDEV-13924
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbconn.cpp
      - Make a temporary fix for the compiler bug in CalculateArray
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      - Typo
        modified:   storage/connect/jdbccat.h
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjmg.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabxml.h
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.h
        modified:   storage/connect/value.h
        modified:   storage/connect/xtable.h
      - Fix a bug in MONGO tests by changing 'MONGO' to $TYPE
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo_test.inc
      - Record test results to reflect all changes
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_3.result
  19. 11 Sep, 2017 1 commit
  20. 04 Sep, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Update version number · 7e65bdba
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Regard columns with binary charset as string (was binary)
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabutil.cpp
      - Support length 0 for CHAR and VARCHAR
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
      - Add ACCEPT option for void columns in discovery
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      - Update some tests because of above change
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/json_mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_c.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_2.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mongo_java_3.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/odbc_oracle.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/updelx.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/mongo_test.inc
  21. 02 Sep, 2017 3 commits
  22. 30 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Set MONGO_ENABLED · 36b2dec1
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      - Avoid gcc warnings for "fall through"
        modified:   storage/connect/array.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamdbf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamfix.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamtxt.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamvct.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filamzip.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/filter.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/plgdbutl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabdos.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/xobject.cpp
  23. 29 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - New distribution enabling or disabling the MONGO table type · 96252b6a
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/mycat.cc
      - Extend SRCDEF parameter processing to MYSQL
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabext.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.cpp
      - Typo
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/std_data/Mongo2.jar
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/std_data/Mongo3.jar
  24. 26 Aug, 2017 2 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-13621 Replace sprintf by strcpy for opval · 438211a1
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Add test output to tbl_thread.test tryng to understand failure
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/tbl_thread.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/tbl_thread.test
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix MDEV-13621 JDBC UPDATE containing single or double quote chars produces wrong result · 614611d7
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        in ha_connect::GetStringOption
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Begin implement data type BINARY
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
        modified:   storage/connect/myutil.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/valblk.h
        modified:   storage/connect/value.cpp
      - Fix MDEV-12422 CONNECT Engine to support CHECK TABLE
        Adding a fake check function returning HA_ADMIN_OK.
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.h
      - Treat TBL (thread) as local when connected to the current server
        and return by timeout when a TBL remote table connection fail (Thread only)
        modified:   storage/connect/myconn.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabmysql.h
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabtbl.h
      - Update some tests and result files
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/tbl_thread.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/tbl_thread.test
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/updelx.result
      - Add the GetCsName function
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.h
  25. 17 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix failing test tbl_thread on linux · 2db52e17
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        (and mask another fail until MDEV-10179 is fixed)
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/tbl_thread.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/tbl_thread.test
  26. 12 Aug, 2017 1 commit
  27. 09 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix gcc compile error: crosses initialization of ‘const char* drv’ · efc8a5b6
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/mongo.cpp
      - Fix test failures
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mysql.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/mysql_new.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/r/tbl_thread.result
        modified:   storage/connect/mysql-test/connect/t/tbl_thread.test
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
  28. 08 Aug, 2017 5 commits
  29. 07 Aug, 2017 1 commit
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix bug returning pointer to a stack string · cdf00b8d
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        in JVALUE::GetString
        modified:   storage/connect/json.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/json.h
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
      - Fix a compiler bug happening on some configuration and platforms
        in JSNX::CalculateArray
        modified:   storage/connect/jsonudf.cpp
      - Set default Schema as current directory
        This fix several bugs like:
          Fail to make JSON catalog tables
          Fail to use zipped file made by a file LOAD
        modified:   storage/connect/reldef.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h