Commit 6585f7a8 authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

docs for find-links, I'm not 100% on the order of location searching but...

docs for find-links, I'm not 100% on the order of location searching but hopefully someone can review...
parent 3cbbb2b4
......@@ -2218,6 +2218,47 @@ In buildout version 2, final releases will be preferred by default.
You will then need to use a false value for prefer-final to get the
newest releases.
Finding distributions
By default, buildout searches the Python Package Index when looking
for distributions. The `find-links` options allows the addition of
more locations to search and is used extensively in this
These can be urls::
find-links =
They can also be directories on disk::
find-links = /some/path
Finally, direct paths to distributions can be specified::
find-links = /some/path/someegg-1.0.0-py2.3.egg
You can also specify more than one place to look::
find-links =
In this case, distribution sources are searched in the order
specified. In the event that a distribution cannot be found in any of
the locations specified, the python package index will still be
searched unless other buildout configuration options have prevented
Dependency links
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