- 18 Jan, 2016 5 commits
ORD authored
Server side deleting of nodes.
Denis Štogl authored
Denis Štogl authored
ORD authored
Support custom ExtensionObjects
Alexander Korolkov authored
Revert previously deleted ExtensionObject class.
- 17 Jan, 2016 1 commit
ORD authored
fix suport for Dimensions
- 16 Jan, 2016 5 commits
Denis Štogl authored
Denis Štogl authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 15 Jan, 2016 1 commit
olivier R-D authored
- 14 Jan, 2016 5 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 13 Jan, 2016 1 commit
Andrew authored
- 10 Jan, 2016 5 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 09 Jan, 2016 8 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
- 08 Jan, 2016 6 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
ORD authored
Improved loading performance when using cached address spaces
ORD authored
Close generated address space files once the code generation is done
Dominik Luntzer authored
Use cPickle (basically a C-implementation of the already used pickle mechanism) and ensure that the highest protocol version is used to improve the loading performance.
Dominik Luntzer authored
Not closing the generated files may cause some errors when trying to interpret the files in the same script later on (i.e. parsing errors due to half written files).
- 07 Jan, 2016 3 commits
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored
olivier R-D authored